A High Quality Solution

Modern enterprises are based on complex business systems that are supported by even more complicated IT systems integrating multiple technologies and standards. Modeling helps to capture and communicate the multi-layered architecture of the enterprise and cause it to evolve for better enterprise performance. The ability to capture, integrate, and maintain integrated enterprise architecture (EA) models strongly depends on the modeling tool features that make enterprise architects’ daily work more productive.

Today, enterprise architects are experiencing two problems: one is how to select the tool and the other is how to successfully use it. It is becoming obvious that just having the tool does not necessarily mean it is being used in the most effective way. The guarantees for a successful tooling are professional services such as training, consultancies, and effective use of a support system.

No Magic Enterprise Architecture Solution Key Benefits

Enterprise documentation

Preparing the enterprise documentation

Unified and integrated business processes

Unifying and integrating business processes across the enterprise

Unifyied and integrated data

Unifying and integrating data both inside and outside the boundaries of the enterprise

Lowering the complexity barrier

Reducing delivery time

Reducing both solution delivery time and development costs by maximizing reuse of enterprise models

Driving continuous business and IT alignment

Discover our Product Offering

  • Cameo Enterprise Architecture - Cameo Enterprise Architecture software is a core product for building integrated enterprise architectures meeting DoDAF, MODAF, NAF and TOGAF requirements. The product is based on UPDM, SysML, BPMN, SoaML, and UML modeling standards.
  • MagicDraw - MagicDraw is an award-winning UML platform extendable to use for Business Analysis, Software Analysis, Code Engineering, QA, and Documentation Writings, this dynamic and versatile development tool facilitates analysis and design of Object Oriented (OO) systems and databases. magicdrawWithout extensions MagicDraw can be used to build non-standard based enterprise architectures.
  • Teamwork Cloud - enables collaborative development of models together with version control system & acts as a version model storage. Architects, engineers, and modelers can work on the same resource and merge the work of all team members together effortlessly with version control. Teamwork Cloud can store large resources which allows team members to work on them concurrently. You can check out a resource, open and edit it locally on your machine, save, and commit it to the server. 
  • Merge Plugin - Model Merge enables copying changes between different project versions. This functionality is usually needed when there are several branches that reflect different releases or versions of the product, e.g. when certain fixes have to be copied from a release branch to the mainstream development. Merge functionality in Cameo Enterprise Architecture or MagicDraw works both on file system files and projects stored in MagicDraw Teamwork Server.
  • Cameo Simulation Toolkit - The Cameo Simulation Toolkit provides the first in the industry extendable model execution framework based on OMG fUML and W3C SCXML standards. It extends UPDM plugin to validate system behavior by executing, animating, and debugging UPDM Statemachine (OV-6b, SV-10b), UML Statemachine, UPDM Activity (OV-5, SV-4), UML Activity and SysML Parametric models in the context of realistic mock-ups of the intended user interface.
  • Cameo Data Modeler Plugin - Beginning with version 17.0, the Cameo Enterprise Architecture introduces Cameo Data Modeler integration for conceptual, logical, and physical data modeling. The Entity Relationship diagram supporting the information engineering notation has been added for the Data and Information viewpoint models of DoDAF as well as for the OV-7 and SV-11 products of MODAF.

Expert Consulting and Tailored Training Services

No Magic consulting provides expert thought-leadership in the areas of systems modeling and simulation as well as knowledge transfer based on a detailed analysis of customer work products and processes. Consulting services are provided on-site or remotely based on the issues involved and arrangements with the customer.

No Magic training can be tailored or customized to address the specific modeling, simulation and analysis needs of our customers to blend theory into practical application. Training provides a foundation for organizations to jump-start learning in MagicDraw, UML, SysML, BPMN, UPDM or modeling in general for modeling language, tool and methodology instruction.

No-Magic-training-thumb > Dassault Systemes

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NOTE: Existing users of No Magic products can access to the user portal at https://magicdraw.com/main.php, as well as Cameo Collaborator for Teamwork Cloud samples at https://ccexamples.nomagic.com.

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