On-Demand manufacturing
On-Demand manufacturing across all processes. Upload your design, get your instant quote, choose your manufacturer and receive your part.
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On-demand manufacturing with 3DEXPERIENCE Make
3DEXPERIENCE Make is an online on-demand manufacturing platform operated by Dassault Systèmes. It connects the industrial ecosystem of Designers, Engineers, Buyers, and Production planners with industrial manufacturing service providers such as Xometry, Sculpteo, American Additive, Get It Made, Any-Shape, TH Industries, and a lot more.
You can be confident to find the best partner based on your project requirement. Available across all processes such as 3D Printing, CNC Machining, Injection Molding, Cutting, Sheet Metal.
3DEXPERIENCE Make allows you to choose the perfect material for your parts such as ABS, PA, and metal materials.
3DEXPERIENCE Make, the on-demand manufacturing platform, is also directly accessible via an Add-in from SOLIDWORKS, CATIA, Draftsight, and eDrawings which allows a faster design workflow for a better end-to-end experience.

What are the processes?
Which materials on 3DEXPERIENCE Make?



Discover how 3DEXPERIENCE Make can answer your on-demand manufacturing needs
The 3DEXPERIENCE platform, operated by Dassault Systèmes, is a game-changer for business and innovation, providing software and collaboration tools for every stage of the product development process.
One such tool is 3DEXPERIENCE Make, an online on-demand manufacturing platform that connects buyers with an industrial ecosystem of more than 100 qualified service providers.
This one-stop-shop for on-demand manufacturing processes offers 3D printing, CNC machining, injection molding, cutting and sheet metal. Using a search tool based on your project specifications, you can be confident to find the perfect partner, process and material for your specific needs.
Tools for design, planning, testing, manufacturing and more ensure that you get your parts ordered, made and delivered in record time.
All it takes is four simple steps:
Upload your design
Optimize it live
Choose your manufacturer
Receive your custom parts
Check the video to learn more about On-demand manufacturing at 3DEXPERIENCE Make.
Advantages of on-demand manufacturing
On-demand manufacturing streamlines and improves the interaction between a buyer and a supplier. Centralizing the entire process, providing a single point of contact and automating routine steps, such as with instant quoting, helps overcome the delays found in traditional supply chain management.
With the supply squeeze pushing up lead times, sometimes by several months, on-demand manufacturing enables products to be developed, made and delivered in a much shorter timeframe. This agility and scalability are vital if companies are to seize opportunities quickly and effectively, whenever and wherever they may arise.
On-demand manufacturing removes the need to buy, store and manage spare inventory. This frees up money for more value-added activities such as marketing, recruiting, training, new tools and product development.
With companies focused on reducing costs while improving output, adopting an on-demand manufacturing model can be a profitable strategy.
From ordering to final delivery, on-demand manufacturing provides live updates via the cloud. This makes it possible for buyers and suppliers to communicate and manage projects in real-time and with greater control.
These insights provide visibility into the status of a given project and make for effortless tracking, reporting and stock management. Clearer transparency also helps to identify areas of improvement and risk, and makes reacting when a problem does occur faster and more effective.
Being able to quickly and affordably produce a single prototype or small sample batch provides the flexibility to test new ideas without needing to invest money in full-scale production.
As a result, the time and risks involved with new product development come down while the likelihood of it being successful goes up.
Drawbacks of on-demand manufacturing
On-demand manufacturing is well suited for one-off customizations, low-volume such as that used in early prototyping and testing, and medium volume of between 50 and 100,000 units. For mass quantities, it may be best to select a manufacturer who specializes in traditional high-volume production.
Taking advantage of the efficiency and flexibility of on-demand manufacturing means surrendering control of the production process. As a result, you may not know the exact techniques, level of skill or technology used to fulfill your order.
This may result in a delay in learning about production or delivery issues, and then dealing with them.
There are a growing number of on-demand manufacturing platforms available from both established global leaders and start-ups. How involved these platform owners are in overseeing quality standards varies.
Some are very involved in making sure standards are high across their ecosystem of manufacturing partners. Others take a more hands-off approach. As with any business arrangement, companies should fully research any potential partner before signing a contract.
Not all on-demand manufacturing platforms offer the same range and depth of services, so it’s important to understand your needs and then select the platform and partner best able to meet them.
On-demand manufacturing: How does it work?
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3DEXPERIENCE Make means On-demand manufacturing made quick and easy but with the guarantee of Dassault Systemes qualified networks of manufacturers.

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FAQ On Demand manufacturing
On-demand manufacturing — or on-demand production, manufacturing on-demand or production on-demand — is as straightforward as it sounds. Parts or finished products are made as and when needed and in the exact quantities required.
This is the opposite of traditional manufacturing, where goods are mainly produced in large volumes and stored as inventory in a warehouse until sold, which may take weeks or months.
The move from traditional to on-demand manufacturing may appear minor but it represents a transformation in the way goods are designed, ordered, made and shipped. It also radically changes the way manufacturers and their suppliers and customers interact with each other.
On-demand manufacturing works like any on-demand service. Users log on to a web or mobile app, upload their design specifications or CAD (computer-aided design) models and receive instant quotes from a global ecosystem of qualified manufacturing partners.
These manufacturers will guide you through the whole process from initial design to final delivery, including advice on which materials and production methods are best suited for your needs. Some on-demand manufacturing platforms even offer auto-generated design-for-manufacturing feedback to further optimize your model and ensure the best results.
After approving your chosen quote, manufacturing begins and each stage of the process can be tracked in real-time via the digital platform.
The system uses the flexibility of online services and cloud technology to provide users with complete live control of projects. Changing details such as delivery dates and location and sharing project information with colleagues can be done at the touch of a button, and pricing is both transparent and visible.
A user-friendly platform ensures the manufacturer and client remain in constant contact during every phase of production. And thanks to the power of cloud computing, all information and communication are stored and easily accessible anywhere, anytime.
When you think of manufacturing, you probably imagine big factories filled with high-tech machines cranking out a continuous stream of products. This is the traditional approach, one built around assembly lines and making things as efficiently as possible.
Processes have become more advanced, but the assembly line of today isn’t so different from the one introduced by Henry Ford more than 100 years ago to mass-produce cars.
Mass production lies at the heart of traditional manufacturing. Large-scale factories filled with machines and workers require a lot of space and are expensive to set-up and operate.
In order to be cost-effective, these factories create high numbers of mostly similar goods. When production volumes go up, the cost per unit comes down. This is because costs are spread over more individual parts — known as ‘economies of scale’.
The traditional manufacturing model has done much to help improve productivity, consistency, quality control and worker safety. Yet, it also has shortcomings, including high minimum order requirements, little to no customization, long lead times (how long it takes between ordering something and it being delivered), and the cost of having to store excess inventory.
One big drawback issue with traditional manufacturing is having to accurately predict what customers will want and need months in advance.
Ordering and making too little creates a supply shortage and customers may opt to go elsewhere. Make too much and unsold stock must be stored, sold at a discount or disposed of. All of which costs money.
The difficult task of demand forecasting has become more challenging in line with changing consumer needs and habits. This is just one example of how the limitations of traditional manufacturing are beginning to outweigh its benefits.
Customers have grown to expect products and experiences tailored to their specific desires, and they don’t want to wait weeks for delivery. Faced with an urgent need to become more agile, flexible and responsive, companies are turning to on-demand manufacturing.
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