PowerACOUSTICS - Noise Analysis

PowerACOUSTICS® is the leader in digital acoustic and aeroacoustic solutions for cars, heavy equipment, trains, and aircraft. When coupled with PowerFLOW, PowerACOUSTICS provides visual insight into acoustic and aeroacoustic capabilities through extensive noise-quality testing. It enables you to identify noise sources and provides insight into how design adjustments affect noise output so you can optimize prototypes. To improve noise performance, PowerACOUSTICS can certify that machinery conforms to noise-level regulations and requirements.

Features & Benefits of PowerACOUSTICS

Digital prototyping

PowerFLOW coupled with  PowerACOUSTICS modules gives access to digital acoustic and aeroacoustic facilities which are cost-effective. This solution provides enhanced capabilities through detailed visual insight into how design details and changes impact the noise levels and quality.

Evaluating noise quality

Design alternatives can be compared using audio signal synthesis. Instead of looking only at plots and graphs with eyes, noise can be analyzed directly with ears. It helps both acoustic engineers and non-experts to get a better perception of the noise quality and evaluate the importance of design modifications.

Matching noise regulations 

Assess noise design performances of cars, heavy equipment, trains or aircraft against regulatory requirements to improve the ability to design products that pass physical tests the first time.

Seeing noise sources

Identifying the origin of noise issues is complex, requiring time and expertise. PowerACOUSTICS FIND module gives simple access to this knowledge by pinpointing noise areas inside or outside the system and drives the design optimization.

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