Develop our Human Capital

Employees are one of Dassault Systèmes’ most valuable assets, at the heart of its mission and long term development. We strive to engage talents and ensure sustainable employability in all its forms. Sharing common values is a major stake; they inspire people every day in the way they act within the Company, with its customers and more broadly in its ecosystem. Our culture fosters collaboration and open communication, enabling employees to imagine, inspire and create new experiences. Diversity and the creation of inclusive teams are part of our objectives to enable mutual enrichment of knowledge and encourage creativity around meaningful projects.

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Our objectives

For Humans, by Humans

Diversity and creation of inclusive teams are part of our objectives to achieve harmony around meaningful projects and the mutual enrichment of knowledge, to encourage creativity and to foster a fulfilling collective environment for employees.

Our commitment to achieving a balanced representation of men and women is reflected in the composition of our company’s governance:

  • 50% of women directors on the Board of Directors,
  • 38.5% of women in the Executive team.

We participate every year in a number of events related to diversity and inclusion, creating opportunities for collaboration with companies and networks. We’re proud promote science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields of study and career opportunities irrespective of gender or social, cultural and geographical background, in particular through our 3DS WIN (Women INitiative) community and programs held by La Fondation Dassault Systèmes, 3DEXPERIENCE EDU and our ecosystem. 

Our company purpose of harmonizing product, nature and life gives meaning to employees’ professional lives and our culture of innovation offers everyone opportunities to engage in meaningful projects. This collective mindset is demonstrated in many way and various initiatives are deployed to foster achievements pride and recognition, such as:

  • rewarding the most innovative projects through our annual 3DS INNOVATION Forwards contest,
  • committing voluntarily to the activities of La Foundation Dassault Systèmes, supporting the transformation of education and research,
  • joining the 3DEXPERIENCE Lab community of innovators, contributing to support a wide ecosystem of startups in projects that transform society in a positive and sustainable way.

In 2023, our employees' pride and satisfaction rate, measure by a global survey, reaches almost 81%.

In line with Dassault Systèmes’ commitment to business ethics and corporate responsibility, training on ethics and compliance is mandatory for all employees to ensure that they master the fundamentals of Code of Business Conduct, personal data protection and anti‑corruption, as well as cybersecurity‑related training program.

Compliance with ethical rules and international standards is also part of Dassault Systèmes’ values.

After launching a new version of the Code of Business Conduct in 2020, updated dedicated ethics and compliance training was rolled out. This module includes an educational presentation of the whistleblowing procedure and each employees’ acknowledgment of the rules set in the code. To ensure mastery of the fundamentals of ethics and compliance, this training is recurrent and mandatory for all employees on an annual basis.


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La Fondation Dassault Systèmes

La Fondation Dassault Systèmes supports breakthrough projects in education, research and cultural heritage with the powerful capabilities of virtual universes to develop a more sustainable society.


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