Our Sustainability Strategy

We’re a leading global technology company providing clients from all sectors of the economy with virtual twin experiences to catalyze sustainable innovation in the virtual world to benefit the physical world.

Dassault Systèmes Sustainability Objectives

Sustainability is at the heart of Dassault Systèmes’ mission.
We implement our sustainability strategy through three priority actions, each of which has been assigned measurable objectives for 2025 or 2027: committing to environmentally sustainable operations, designing solutions that enable our customers to reduce their environmental footprint, and developing human capital with respect to diversity and ethics.

We’re committed to environmentally sustainable operations that optimize our environmental footprint according to the recommendations of the Paris Agreement, reducing our greenhouse gas emissions and encouraging our suppliers to engage in a similar approach.

EXPERIENCE the change > Dassault Systèmes

Our objectives

Sustainability Governance

Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility is central to Dassault Systèmes’ strategy and achievements. Our sustainability strategy is managed at the highest levels of corporate governance.

Board of Directors

Our Board of Directors considers sustainability when reviewing and setting multi‑year strategic guidelines. We’ve appointed an independent director as Lead Director of Sustainable Development within our Board of Directors to review our ESG targets, action plans and achievements. This role is currently held by Genevieve Berger (Discover her biography)

Additionally, each committee of the Board of Directors has sustainability objectives related to their missions.

For example:

  • the Scientific Committee reviews the evolution of our sustainability solutions portfolio and analyses the potential technological breakthroughs impacting the market
  • the Audit Committee reviews new ESG reporting requirements and related matters,
  • the Compensation and Nomination Committee reviews the performance criteria, including the ESG indicator, for the annual variable compensation of the executive officers.

The members of these three Board of Directors committees meet at two annual sessions, one dedicated to sustainability and the other to risk prevention and management within the company, including ESG risks.

Executive Operating Committee

Our Executive Operating Committee includes a dedicated member responsible for our sustainability strategic roadmap in terms of product development to help customers become more sustainable (handprint) and manage our company’s environmental footprint. This role is held by Florence Verzelen, Executive Vice-President, Industry, Marketing & Sustainability.

Operational Actors

The Sustainability Steering Committee brings together the executive managers of Dassault Systèmes’ key functions four times a year to discuss action plans and progress in support of our sustainable development strategy.

Our Chief Sustainability Officer is this committee’s secretary, and is responsible for leading Dassault Systèmes’ sustainable development strategy around three pillars:

  • Expertise - "supporting exemplary footprint", which commits to the highest standard of Sustainability ambitions, orchestrates environmental reporting operations, the management of extra-financial ratings and the animation of the network of ESG contributors,
  • Ecosystem - "developing networks", which builds relations/partnerships with internal, institutional, academic, analyst, and integrator partners on sustainable development issues to raise the voice of Dassault Systèmes as an enabler for Sustainability.
  • Engagement - "enabling customer transitions", which engages with existing and new customers to imagine new solutions and business models to enable and accelerate their sustainable transformations, particularly in line with the sustainable development factors retained by the EU Taxonomy.

Philippine De T'Serclaes has been our CSO since 2022; read more about her nomination.

We also have network of more than 40 Sustainability Leads who implement the company’s sustainability strategy in the geographical areas, brands and industries, and a Zero Carbon Team, which brings together seven key functions, and ensures that the selected action plan is launched, followed and analyzed for continuous improvement.

Finally, in 2021, our Finance Department created a Sustainable Finance and Procurement Unit charged ensuring the reliability of the reporting process and non‑financial information, the calculation of indicators relating to the EU Taxonomy and the risk assessment on the basis of climate scenarios.  


Dassault Systèmes’ Corporate Model


Intellectual CapitalHuman CapitalSocial CapitalFinancial CapitalNatural Capital

13 technology portfolios serving the full innovation cycle

40+ years accumulated industry knowledge

€1,288M R&D investment (+13%)

790+ families of patents


See chapter 1.4 & 1.5

23,811 people from 142 countries

41% working in the R&D

5 women among 13 members of the Executive team (38.5%)

24.5% women among People Managers


See chapters 2.3 & 2.7

14,000+ people in commercial partners ecosystem (VARs & CSI)

170+ scientific & research partners

8,100+ technology & marketplace partners



See chapter 1.4.1

Long term & stable shareholders structure

0.0x adjusted Net Debt/IFRS EBITDAO

A  stable S&P credit rating

First employee shareholding plan subscription (launched in 2021)


See chapters 2, 3 & 6

89% renewable electricity

37% share of supliers (in COemissions) with science-based emissions reduction target

(50% by 2025)

-52% CO2  emissions related to business travels compared to 2019

See chapters 2.5 & 2.7


Our purpose

To provide business & people with 3DEXPERIENCE universes to imagine sustainable innovation capable of harmonizing Product, Nature & Life.

Serving 3 key sectors

Manufacturing Industries

Life Sciences & Healthcare

Infrastructure & Cities

Our strategy

Human Industry Experiences

Dassault Systèmes is a science-based company that helps its partners and customers transform all industries with a major focus on sustainability and the human being.

Unique platform powering holistic solutions

Delivering roles, processes & solutions on public/private cloud or on premise, via license or subscription, and accompanied by consulting and services.

Geo & engagement models

11 GEOs drive the development of our business in 194 sites.

A diverse client base

350K+ customers ranging from entrepreneurs to multinationals in 12 industries.


Intellectual Capital
& Customer Relationships
Human Capital
Social Capital
Financial Capital
Natural Capital

67.3% revenue eligible to EU Taxonomy

25+ years average length collaboration with our 20 main clients






See chapter 1.4.2 & 2.7.2

99% employees trained

81% employees pride and satisfaction rate

99% of employees under permanent contract

1,600+ internship and apprenticeship offers posted

3,500+ job offers filled in 2022, 96% under permanent contract


See chapters 2.3 & 2.7

€251M IFRS income tax expense (19.3% ETR)

52 new projects supported via La Fondation Dassault Systèmes

8M+ students using 3DEXPERIENCE Edu solutions

3,800 employees collaborators having followed sustainability training modules since 2022

99% employees trained on ethics & compliance

See chapters 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.7 & 3.1

€1.20 EPS diluted (Earnings per share diluted non-IFRS)

Dividen policy 30% net earnings distributed (IFRS)






See chapter 1.7

-19% total CO2 emissions compared to 2019

65.3% workforce worldwide located in an ISO-certified site for its energy management

-84% share of renewable energy supplies



See chapter 2.5


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What we do

We provide virtual twin experiences that allow our clients to leverage the virtual world to create innovative experiences in the real world. As a purpose-driven company and a sustainable innovation leader, our aim is to develop new ways of creating, working and living to address the major challenges facing the world today.

Ethics & Compliance

Pursuing ethical and sustainable growth is a fundamental value and one of the pillars of our Corporate Social Responsibility principles.

ESG practices

We not only provide customers with sustainable technology solutions – we also strive to be a sustainable technology company ourselves. We are committed to having best-in-class environmental, social and corporate governance practices to serve our customers, partners and employees in service of a better world.