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Some news in ModeliScale around multi-physics modelling for energy systems and others

News - America Modelica 2022 Conference

America Modelica 2022 Conference > Dassault Systemes

The last Modelica Conference was held in America , on October 2022.

A 3 days Program was oriented on the news around the standards (Modelica, FMI, eFMI, SSP), as well as on updates from the tools editors.

2 keynotes + 30 technical presentations were performed, with a frequent   focus on the Energy and Buildings.

Last day was dedicated to technical workshops on tools.

This conference was an opportunity for 3DS, ENGIE and DPS partners to jointly present the results of the ModeliScale work done on  the heat networks modeling.

2022oct25 namodelica2022_Presentation_24
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Modeliscale > Dassault Systeme

More information:

  • Conference website
  • Full conference program is here.
  • Complementary information to this presentation is available in page ‘Project deliverables”

News - ModeliScale success story @Pole Systematic

Our Project has been related in a success story article presented by Pôle de compétitivité Systematic.

Pole Systematic labelled ModeliScale project proposal in 2017 through their selection process. ModeliScale had been recognized for addressing the extension of Modeling and Simulation (ModSim) of large scale Cyber Physical Systems, with reconfiguration and multi modes. Additionally the perspective is for of better integration of ModSim in model driven engineering activities, and support of scenarios based on the industrial needs.

Read here the Article 


News : Communication at UCODS Community

Several ModeliScale partners joined on 5 April at DS Campus Vélizy to present some project results.

This day was organized under the umbrella of UCODS community

About UCODS : UCODS is the French community of Dassault Systemes solutions users. The goal of the association is to share experiences and practices between users, connect them to each other and to 3DS experts, and feed with industry needs.

Members are from Industries, engineering companies and academics.

UCODS is structured in several commissions: Digital factory, Digital simulation, Systems Engineering, CAD, PLM etc…

UCODS public pages

News - ModeliScale success story @Pole Ternerrdis

Our Project described in a success story article together with Pôle de compétitivité Tenerrdis.

Pole Tenerrdis labelled ModeliScale project proposal in 2017 for addressing the energy mix challenges (including thermal and electric), with the exploratory work in modeling and simulation of concrete district energy systems, and participation of regional actors ENGIE Cylergie and CEA Tech.

Link to the Article 


Post - City digital twins of large scale Energy Cyber Physical Systems

This set of posts shows the ModeliScale story in 5 episodes.

Content is accessible to members of the CATIA Users community.

Read here the 1st episode

Event - ModeliScale @ NAFEMS France 2021 ‘Jumeau Numérique’

Dassault Systeme -> Nafems

NAFEMS association made in Dec. 2021 a seminar on the ‘Digital Twin’ : « Un Jumeau Numérique Pour Mieux Connecter La Simulation Multiphysiques Et Le Monde Réel »

About the seminar (performed to a French community) :

« Les jumeaux numériques sont à la base de nombreux projets d’amélioration de la conception-production-exploitation de systèmes complexes et cyber physiques. Ils doivent permettre de mieux gérer leur évolution dans le temps et l’espace et les interactions avec l’environnement, prédire les dérives et optimiser le fonctionnement dans un contexte de continuité numérique. Leurs applications potentielles sont multiples au croisement des modèles multi-physiques et des données de terrain avec des comportements des systèmes souvent difficiles à mettre en équation. Ils ont un impact important sur la modélisation et la simulation des systèmes à tous les niveaux méthodologiques, processus et organisation, et vont apporter dans les entreprises une grande valeur ajoutée à l’utilisation de la simulation traditionnelle. »

Complementary to several academic and industrial cases, Dassault Systemes and EDF made together a presentation of ModeliScale motivation, challenges, software outcomes , with a particular focus on the innovative initialization approach presented by EDF, which  was prototyped in CATIA Dymola  by  Dassault Systemes.


NAFEMS is the International Association for the Engineering Modelling, Analysis and Simulation Community.”

Event - ModeliScale @ 1D CAE Symposium Japon 2021


Dassault Systemes, EDF & Inria presented ModeliScale at 1D CAE Symposium , held in Japan in Dec 2021.

In this presentation, ModeliScale scientific challenges and EDF Power Grid case study were especially focused.  Also the project multiple innovative outcomes, software results by partners and benefits were highlighted.

About the 1D CAE community :

Since 2002, the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers has been working as a design study group with the manufacturing industry, universities, and vendors working together with the aim of building a manufacturing system originating in Japan. Through this activity, the concept of 1DCAE came out from around 2007.

1DCAE is a design support concept, method, and tool that can be applied from the upstream stage, and does not mean that 1D is particularly one-dimensional. It means capturing the essence of things accurately and expressing them simply in a clear format. 1DCAE enables CAE evaluation from upstream to downstream of the design. In 1DCAE, when designing a product (before making a shape), the entire target product (things, people, places) is expressed without omission on a function basis, and evaluation analysis is possible, so that it can be evaluated and analyzed at the upstream stage of product development.

News: ModeliScale for Digital Twins at COP 26

cop21> Dassault Systèmes®

The “energy transition” goal of COP26 includes the production of more green energy through the use of renewable, carbon-free methods, and the pursuit of increased production without a larger environmental footprint.

In this perspective, Modeling and Simulation innovative approaches bring substantial means to design and test virtually, in order to evaluate the energy costs and environmental footprint.

As an example, ModeliScale can be seen as a stimulator towards these objectives.

At COP26, Florence Verzelen, EVP of Industry, Marketing & Sustainability, at Dassault Systemes was interviewed by Lauren Kiel, General Manager, Bloomberg Green. In the discussion, she mentioned ModeliScale, as an interesting example of the support brought by Digital Twins.

Read this post : “Dare the boldest COP26 sustainability initiatives with Virtual Twin Experiences 

Event: 2021 Modelica Conference

ModeliScale partners have actively  participated the 14th Modelica Conference which was online during the 3rd week of Sep 2021 . ModeliScale related work have been presented with 6 presentations accepted by the Organization Board :

  • EDF / Dassault Systemes scientific paper for the approach for model initialization : ‘New Equation-based Method for Parameter and State Estimation’
  • Inria scientific papers around the multi modes challenge: 
    • ‘A Reduced Index Mode-Independant Structure Model Transformation for Multimode Modelica Models’
    • ‘Handling Multimode Models and Mode Changes in Modelica’
    • ‘Compile Time Impulse Analysis in Modelica ‘
  • Dassault Systemes: ‘Investigating Steady State Initialization for Modelica models’
  • Phimeca industrial paper  on model simplification : ‘Analysis and reduction of models using Persalys’

See here the full book of Proceedings

Hereafter 2 selected articles :

  • EDF & DS on new initialization approach 
  • Inria on Handling Multimode Models and Mode Changes

News: "Simulating a Path to Grid Modernization" in Digital Engineering journal

Digital Engineering 247

“As natural disasters, the push for renewables and electrification mount pressure, simulation plays a key role in the U.S. power grid’s redesign and optimization“

ModeliScale was interviewed to contribute to a study article in Digital Engineering journal : in the context of US need to modernize the energy grid, ModeliScale presents an original approach for ModSim of such systems.
US Energy Department support, industry needs (ABB, Siemens) and several tooling offers are also highlighted.

Read here the full article

Event: ModeliScale at Pole Systematic ‘Welcome Event’

ModeliScale was presented at the Systematic Welcome event that took place at  Paris 11 June 2021. Hereafter the presentation made.

News: ModeliScale in Dassault Systemes Corporate Report ‘Cities take shape’

We are proud to announce our ModeliScale collaborative project is mentioned in the ‘Cities take shape’ chapter of our 2020 Corporate Report ; see Infrastructure & Cities challenges.

The Corporate Report also gives you additional information about Dassault Systemes.

Infrastructure & Cities challenges

Two thirds of humanity will be living in cities in 2050, so urban settings will be the focal point for most creation, both imaginative and practical.

Article: “Mathematical Foundations of Physical Systems Modeling Languages”

The article “Mathematical Foundations of Physical Systems Modeling Languages”, co-authored by Albert Benveniste, Benoît Caillaud and Mathias Malandain from the Hycomes team at INRIA Rennes, has been accepted by the IFAC journal Annual Reviews in Control. The author version was made available in August 2020.

A comprehensive mathematical approach supporting compilation and code generation for DAE-based modeling languages is proposed. In particular, sound criteria for accepting or rejecting multimode models are given as byproducts of this analysis. The mathematical development relies on nonstandard analysis, providing a uniform framework for handling both continuous dynamics and mode change events.

Article: Robust Calibration of Complex ThermoSysPro Models using Data Assimilation Techniques : Application on the Secondary Loop of a Pressurized Water Reactor

L.Corona Mesa-Moles, J.P.Argaud, A.Jardin, A.Benssy, Y.Dong - EDF

Modelica Conference 2019 proceedings Linköping University Electronic Press

User Presentation "Modeling and simulating hybrid distribution networks with EPSL"

Related pages

ModeliScale collaborative project brings Modelica to handle large Scale Cyber Physical Systems for the Energy industries in CATIA apps
Dassault Systèmes leads a 8 partners consortium:  industrial case-study owners (EDF, ENGIE, CEA Tech, Inria) scientific institute and 3 SMEs
Market Perspectives
ModeliScale participants will benefit from more productivity and efficiency in the design and operation of energy systems, power grids, and infrastructures.
Related information
More information on ModeliScale partners in the area of multi-physics modelling and simulation
Project deliverables
Discover some project deliverables developed with CATIA Dymola and 3DEXPERIENCE platform.