Professional Level Certifications
Validate your skills and boost your professional profile
Our Professional Certifications attests the capacity to perform in a job role in a professional environment.
Professional Certification exams are delivered online at one of our authorized Certification Centers in a proctored environment.
To book an exam, contact one of our Dassault Systèmes Certification Centers close to your location.
- Public centers are run by our Education Partners and open to anybody.
- Private centers are Academic Certification Centers, only open to the school or university's students.
If you are a student you should also ask your professor whether your university or school has a Dassault Systèmes Academic Certification Center where you can take the exams.
To buy a certification, click on the link below to locate an Education partner close to your location
Discover all the 3DEXPERIENCE Professional Certifications
The rapid pace of technological change is demanding new skills from today’s workers – skills that employers have difficulty finding due to short supply and intense competition. Business and education leaders recommend that companies adopt the 3DEXPERIENCE platform. Through a single, easy-to-use interface, the platform powers their industry processes, based on 3D design, analysis, simulation, and intelligence software in a collaborative, interactive environment.
As a Certified 3DEXPERIENCE platform User, you can boost your career and demonstrate your proficiency in world-leading industry design solutions.

3DEXPERIENCE Collaborative Business & Industry Innovator - Professional
As a 3DEXPERIENCE Collaborative Business & Industry Innovator - Professional, you have proven your knowledge and skills as a professional user of the 3DEXPERIENCE platform after initial training and a minimum of three months of regular practice using the 3DSwymer (called Collaborative Business Innovator until release R2022x) and Collaborative Industry Innovator roles within the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.
This exam proposes problem solving questions based on the daily professional use of the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.

3DEXPERIENCE Mechanical Designer - Professional
As a certified 3DEXPERIENCE Mechanical Designer - Professional, you have proven your knowledge and skills with CATIA modeling techniques after initial training and a minimum of three months of regular practice using CATIA Mechanical Design core products (Part Design, Assembly Design, and Drafting).
This exam proposes hands-on challenges based on industrial use cases that will require you to design, modify and analyze parts and assemblies. Understanding of design intent and drafting principles is assessed in multiple-choice questions.

3DEXPERIENCE Function Driven Generative Designer - Professional
As a certified 3DEXPERIENCE Function Driven Generative Designer - Professional, you have proven your knowledge and skills with augmented designing and additive manufacturing techniques after initial training and a minimum of three months of regular practice using CATIA Function Driven Generative Designer.
This exam has combination of hands-on challenges and multiple-choice questions to assess the fundamental understanding of defining design space, computing optimized shape, studying trade-off and generating conceptual shapes.

3DEXPERIENCE SheetMetal Designer - Professional
As a 3DEXPERIENCE SheetMetal Designer - Professional, you have proven your knowledge and skills with sheet metal parts design and manufacturing preparation techniques after initial training and a minimum of three months of regular practice using CATIA SheetMetal Designer.
This exam has combination of hands-on challenges and multiple-choice questions to assess the fundamental understanding of defining sheet metal parameters, creating different types of walls, cutouts and stamps, assembling products and generating sheet metal order process.

3DEXPERIENCE NC Milling Machine Programmer - Professional
As a 3DEXPERIENCE NC Milling Machine Programmer - Professional, you have proven your knowledge and skills with 2.5-axis to 5-axis machining techniques after initial training and a minimum of three months of regular practice using DELMIA Multi-axis Machining products.
This exam contains combination of hands-on challenges and multiple-choice questions to assess the fundamental understanding of machining environment, features of various machining operations ranging from 2.5 axis to 5-axis, simulate the tool path to validate it, automate the NC programs and generate NC outputs.

3DEXPERIENCE Structural Engineer - Professional
As a certified 3DEXPERIENCE Structural Engineer - Professional, you have proven your knowledge and skills with performing linear structural analyses in a collaborative design environment after initial training and a minimum of three months of regular practice using SIMULIA Structural Engineer.
This exam has a combination of hands-on challenges and multiple-choice questions to assess the understanding of performing simulations in the context of a collaborative design environment including defining structural models, prescribing structural scenarios, and reviewing simulation results.
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