Developing Queries to Access your Model
No Magic Training Course
Course Overview
This course teaches the basics of developing and using model queries with the No Magic modeling tools (MagicDraw or Cameo-bundled suites). This course is taught using Cameo Systems Modeler. But the principles can be applied to all No Magic modeling tools.
This course is conducted over a three-day structure. Days 1 and 2 have lecture modules followed up with hands-on practical exercises. Day 3 has a short lecture followed by an immersion lab.
Day 1 covers developing model queries.
Day 2 covers using these queries with the model assessment tools in the software.
Day 3 covers the application of these queries to a modeling project.
Students taking this course are expected to understand how to develop SysML or UML models. This course does NOT teach the underlying SysML/UML modeling fundamentals.
- Day 1
- Day 2
- Day 3
Module 01 - Course Introduction
Course Introduction
Module 02 – Query Development Overview
Introduction to Model Queries
Using the Expression Editor
Building Your First Query
Module 03 – Developing Navigation Queries
Creating Property and Relation Queries using the Simple Navigation Expression
Creating “Multiple-Hop” Queries using the Metachain Navigation Expression
Module 04 – Combining Queries through Expression Nesting
Nesting Expressions using the Union, Exclude and Filter Expressions
Executing Tests with Type and Property Test Expressions
Searching Using the Find Expression
Using the Implied Relation Expression
Module 05 – Using Prebuilt Queries with Opaque Behaviors
Opaque Behavior Overview and Built-in Opaque Behaviors
Using the Operation from Model Expression with Opaque Behaviors
Using Element and the other Value Expressions
Capturing Your Own Queries in Opaque Behaviors
Module 06 – Enhancing Queries Using Scripting Code
Using the Script Expression to Create Scripts
Common Scripting Patterns
Invoking the MagicDraw OpenAPI from a Script
Day 2
Module 07 – Maximizing the Use of Tables
Creating and Using Custom Columns
Creating a Custom Hierarchy in Tables
Creating and Using Smart Packages
Module 08 – Analysis Diagrams: Dependency Matrices & Relation Maps
Creating and Using Dependency Matrices
Creating and Using Relation Maps
Module 10 – Introduction to Extending the Modeling Language
Introduction to Profiles, Stereotypes & Customization Elements
Creating and Using Derived Properties
Module 11 – Other Query Tools
Creating and Managing Macros
Testing Queries using the Expression Evaluation Tool
Day 3
Module 12 – Applying Queries to Modeling Projects
Planning Queries for Your Model
Course Immersion Lab
Course Wrap-Up
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