#07: Why Does Inventory Management Need Big Data?

Tune in to discover how digital transformation raises inventory management to new heights, unlocking new horizons for manufacturing success.

Disruptors Unleashed Podcast

#07: Why Does Inventory Management Need Big Data?

Join us as we discover how digital transformation bridges the crucial gaps in inventory management. Learn the keys to achieving minimized inventories and maximized throughput through the seamless integration of data visibility, 3D printing and automation, resolving barriers manufacturers face when transitioning to a fully digital approach. Discover more

Manufacturing > Industry Experts > Dassault Systèmes®

Meet our speakers

Manufacturing > Melanie Anthony > Dassault Systèmes®
Melanie Anthony
Content Specialist, Dassault Systèmes
Manufacturing > Mike Bradford > Dassault Systèmes®
Mike Bradford
DELMIA Strategic Business Development Director, Dassault Systèmes

Digital inventory management enables you to reduce future issues and crises through predictive analytics. Its abilities can help a company be truly future-ready.” 


Mike Bradford 

Read the transcript

Narrator: Welcome back to Disruptors Unleashed, the series that explores the disruptive technologies shaping our world, and the trailblazers igniting change across industries. In our previous episode, we discussed how disassembly can help achieve circularity, with Tim McAloone from the Technical University of Denmark.

Now, we look at inventory. Specifically, how big data, 3D printing, and automation can be harnessed to minimize inventory, maximize throughput, and revolutionize inventory management. Our guests are Melanie Anthony and Mike Bradford from Dassault Systèmes.

Melanie: Hello and welcome to our conversation on manufacturing topics and trends. The future is lean, agile and digital. With me today is Mike Bradford, DELMIA's Strategic Business Development Director. Hello Mike, and thank you for joining us today.

Mike: Hi, Melanie, thank you for having me.

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Learn more

The Rise of Digital Transformation in Inventory Management
An increasing lineup of advanced digital solutions have given manufacturers the edge to transform and achieve better inventory control.
Synchronize Inventory Management with Production
Transforming Manufacturing Technologies
Today’s factories are undergoing a profound transformation, and new technologies and solutions mean new ways of making things.
Turn Industry 4.0 Data into Insights for Successful Mass Customization
With the right platform, manufacturers can leverage data from Industry 4.0's connected ecosystems to become full-fledged product configurators and realize the benefits of mass customization.
Efficient Deliveries Through Integrated Logistics
Recent global disruptions necessitate a reset for supply chain and logistics services to deliver more efficiently. Integrated logistics on the right digital platform holds the answer.

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