Rethink manufacturing agility

No vehicle innovation is possible without advanced manufacturing and agile operations management. Synchronize across production, logistics and maintenance operations; orchestrated by production planning and scheduling. Drive collaboration and digitalize lean practices on the shop floor, cascade decisions to stakeholders, and collaborate seamlessly for continuous process improvement.

Discover our strategic capabilities

Vehicle Concept Design
Advance your creative collaboration in an immersive, virtual twin environment

Vehicle Manufacturing Engineering

  • Provide ergonomics study for worker accessibility
  • Explore 'what-if' scenarios to resolve and optimize performance with smart manufacturing
  • Seamlessly propogate changes from EBOM to MBOM


Operations Execution and Planning

  • Monitor performance targets and be alerted on deviations
  • Employ 'continuous improvement loop' enterprise collaboration
  • Enable automatic, integrated quality control of assembly lines


Vehicle Final Assembly

  • Accelerate start of production through simultaneous engineering
  • Quickly introduce new product variants
  • Ensure virtual validation for fast production ramp up
  • Improve flexible plant and change management


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