Theorem Solutions Multi-CAx JT-3DXML plug-in

Application domain: Infrastructure
Solution Overview
The JT to 3D XML CADverter is a direct database converter between the JT file format, used by the Siemens VisMockUp Visualisation products, and the 3D XML universal, lightweight XML based format. It enables users to capture and share live, accurate 3D data quickly and easily. Once in the 3D XML format it describes 3D information in both graphic and in precise form, creating product structure, geometry and meta data such as graphical properties. JT PMI data is also converted enabling its use in 3D XML format for manufacturing purposes. It enables users of 3D Live and 3D Via to work with the 3D XML files which were originally in the JT format. It can be invoked in either an interactive or batch mode. The command line interface allows the conversion process to be integrated into any process oriented operation e.g. create a 3D XML representation of the data while saving the 3D XML data to a data vault. This product has been developed using a combination of the Siemens JT Open and Dassault Systemes strategic XCAD technology ensuring full compatibility with both systems. JT assembly and BREP geometry is translated into native 3D XML assembly structure and BREP definitions. In addition JT tessellated data may be processed into the 3D XML tessellated output format. JT PMI (Product Manufacturing Information) is created as equivalent 3D XML structures.

- Runs independently of JT products so minimizes cost and complexity. Enables users of 3D Live and 3D Via to work with JT data.
- Reduce costs and risks associated to accessing the wrong version of data by integrating the conversion process into all related business processes.
- Reduce costs due to processing time and increase overall conversion success levels by filtering input data and focusing the conversion to only those elements required.
- Converts JT BREP data into 3D XML Brep data Converts JT assembly structure into 3D XML assembly structure data. Converts JT tesselated data into 3D XML tesselated data Converts JT PMI information in to 3D XML equivalent forms. The conversion process can be run Interactively or Batch mode. Command line interface allows process integration.
An ideal combination of Dassault's class leading PLM environment and Theorem's class leading translation technology.