Contact Information
Company name: TECOSIM GMBH
Company address: GUTENBERGPLATZ 1 65187 WIESBADEN , DEU
Website: http://www.tecosim.de/
Partner Overview
The TECOSIM Group is specialised in engineering services for product development. It is a market leader in numerical calculation and simulation (CAE) and a provider of development processes and software. This internationally active group has its Holding Company in Wiesbaden plus six branches in the rest of Germany. It also has six further locations in India, Japan, Romania and the UK.With a team of about 500 CAE engineers worldwide, TECOSIM creates solutions for transport, energy, industry & technology and health. This method has become widely used in many areas of industry. It enhances effectiveness in product development and helps to save money. Services include structure simulation, fluid dynamics (CFD), multi-body simulation, system simulation, process development and special software solutions.
Partner Highlights
In the fields of mobility, energy, life science and industry + technology, TECOSIM is an acknowledged development partner with a special focus on computer aided engineering (CAE).The company has many years of expertise with development processes and products in this area.The specialists are an ideal partner when it comes to CAE integration or optimization.The same applies to support for development projects and developing new, efficient simulation methods. Knowing about the target conflicts present in development in the "Quality, Costs, Timing" triangle, TECOSIM is therefore a perfect addition to the implementation of development projects and processes.
Consulting and System Integration
WESTERWALD, Martin+49 611 20568421m.westerwald@de.tecosim.com