Dassault Systèmes Joins the GeSI’s Digital with Purpose Movement

Dassault Systèmes, a Member of the Global Enabling Sustainability Initiative since September 2020, has joined the GeSI’s Digital with Purpose movement, the first global voluntary standard specifically focused on the intersection between technology and sustainability.
The movement aims to create business value through radically accelerating the enabling power of digital technology for the 17 Sustainable Development Goals while minimizing negative externalities that may arise. ICT companies with the Digital with Purpose label will be identified as leaders in sustainability, both in terms of managing their own impacts as organizations and also of impacting positively the broader economy via their products and services.
After pledging to adhere to the four commitments that make up the Digital with Purpose framework, Dassault Systèmes now has 12 months to complete a rigorous and robust process to articulate its ambitions for impacting the SDGs, and to track its progress through impact measurement. The company will be assessed in six priority areas: Purpose, Climate Change, the Circular Economy, Supply Chain, Digital Inclusion, and Digital Trust and Responsibility.
The Digital with Purpose movement was launched May 31, 2021 during the Digital with Purpose event in Lisbon. For more information on Digital with Purpose: https://digitalwithpurpose.org/