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testing key figure



of business leaders expect they'll have to accelerate new offerings just to maintain their market position.


of business leaders expect they'll have to accelerate new offerings just to maintain their market position.


of business leaders expect they'll have to accelerate new offerings just to maintain their market position.

testing key figure



of business leaders expect they'll have to accelerate new offerings just to maintain their market position.


of business leaders expect they'll have to accelerate new offerings just to maintain their market position.


of business leaders expect they'll have to accelerate new offerings just to maintain their market position.

Action Text - with CTA

Our world is changing. Industries everywhere are increasingly global in footprint and digital in their operations. Your manufacturing business must be no exception. 
Understanding and embracing new approaches, new materials, even new business models, is critical to building a company that can meet both the demands of today and the challenges of tomorrow.

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Smart Manufacturing

As more governments move to codify sustainability requirements into law, this opens up manufacturers to operational risks like penalties and litigation. With the right solution, manufacturers can harmonize global operations with different legal requirements. They can also improve energy risk management by integrating the best low-carbon power generation sources to become less reliant on price-volatile carbon-based energy options

Promote innovation

New production processes can be leveraged to innovate new product lines in a sustainable manner. Nike, for example, innovated its new Flyknit line where new manufacturing processes required minimal labor and enjoyed significant waste reduction while also removing waste from landfills. The line is also profitable for Nike, generating over US$2 billion in revenue since it was implemented..


Better manage risks

As more governments move to codify sustainability requirements into law, this opens up manufacturers to operational risks like penalties and litigation. With the right solution, manufacturers can harmonize global operations with different legal requirements. They can also improve energy risk management by integrating the best low-carbon power generation sources to become less reliant on price-volatile carbon-based energy options.

Willkommen zur neuesten Auflage des Dassault Systèmes Newsletter für die BMW Group

Liebe Leserin, lieber Leser,


ich freue mich, Ihnen heute den neuen BMW Newsletter von Dassault Systèmes zu präsentieren. 


Vor wenigen Tagen wurde bekannt, dass BMW die DELMIA Quintiq Anwendungen von Dassault Systèmes zur Optimierung der Produktion und Montage von E-Drive-Komponenten in mehreren Standorten einsetzen wird. Ich beglückwünsche BMW zu dieser Entscheidung, die es ermöglicht, bessere und schnellere Entscheidungen zu treffen, die Produktivität zu steigern und Leistungsindikatoren zu verbessern. Des Weiteren möchte ich Sie in dieser Ausgabe auf weitere spannende Inhalte aufmerksam machen. Ich wünsche Ihnen interessante Einblicke!


Ein weiteres Highlight ist unsere Multibody Simulation (MBS) Tech Day-Reihe. Am ersten Tag unserer dreitägigen Reihe konzentrieren wir uns auf die Fahrzeug- und Antriebsdynamik, einschließlich der Kundenerfahrungen. Mein Tipp: Am 16. November unbedingt dabei sein! 
In dieser Ausgabe erwarten Sie folgende spannende Inhalte:

  • Akustiksimulation 
  • Modellierung und Simulation mit MBSE verbinden 
  • die Aufzeichnung unsere Modeling & Simulation-Konferenz 
  • wie Automobilhersteller vom virtuellen Zwilling profitieren


Ich wünsche Ihnen interessante Einblicke!


Viele Grüße,
Yannick Vogel

Yannick Vogel > Profile > Dassault Systèmes®

Yannick Vogel

BMW Global Account Sales Senior Manager

Geboren 1985 in Stuttgart, bin ich seit meiner frühen Kindheit automobilbegeistert. Die Neugierde an technischen Dingen führte mich in die Richtung des Ingenieurwesens. Als ich später von den Apollo-Astronauten und ihren Missionen zum Mond erfuhr, war klar, dass ich Maschinenbauingenieur werden wollte, da ich davon träumte, große Dinge zu schaffen. Nach meinem Studium habe ich als PLM-Berater angefangen und die Einführung eines neuen CAD-PLM-Toolsets bei einem weltweit führenden Unternehmen der Luft- und Raumfahrt unterstützt. Seit März 2017 bin ich nun bei Dassault Systèmes tätig. Ich habe in verschiedenen technischen Vertriebsrollen begonnen und bin dann in eine Vertriebsmanagementposition gewechselt. Mit einer engen Beziehung zu meinen Kunden, die auf Werten wie Vertrauen, Ehrlichkeit und Offenheit basiert, ist es meine Aufgabe, meine Kunden auf ihrer Reise zu digitalen Erfahrungen zu unterstützen und zu begleiten.

Wilkommen zur neuesten Auflage des Dassault Systèmes Newsletter für die BMW Group

Liebe Leserin, lieber Leser,
ich freue mich, Ihnen heute den neuen BMW Newsletter von Dassault Systèmes zu präsentieren. 
Vor wenigen Tagen wurde bekannt, dass BMW die DELMIA Quintiq Anwendungen von Dassault Systèmes zur Optimierung der Produktion und Montage von E-Drive-Komponenten in mehreren Standorten einsetzen wird. Ich beglückwünsche BMW zu dieser Entscheidung, die es ermöglicht, bessere und schnellere Entscheidungen zu treffen, die Produktivität zu steigern und Leistungsindikatoren zu verbessern. Des Weiteren möchte ich Sie in dieser Ausgabe auf weitere spannende Inhalte aufmerksam machen. Ich wünsche Ihnen interessante Einblicke!

Your customers want mass customization and are prepared to vote with their wallets

You can have any color you want, as long as it's black," Henry Ford once said. The industrial revolution has come a long way since the Ford Motor Company founder uttered this famous line and went on to develop the assembly line technique to mass-produce identical cars in 1913. Today, the manufacturing world sees a distinct shift from mass production to mass customization. Customers are now better informed and want products tailored to their preferences.


You can have any color you want, as long as it's black," Henry Ford once said. The industrial revolution has come a long way since the Ford Motor Company founder uttered this famous line and went on to develop the assembly line technique to mass-produce identical cars in 1913. Today, the manufacturing world sees a distinct shift from mass production to mass customization. Customers are now better informed and want products tailored to their preferences.


Small Batches for a Big Payoff

Small batch production is a key component that accelerates the shift to agile mass customization. The transition to this model requires an integrated cloud platform that enables collaboration across multiple project teams and timelines.

Developing goods in small batches at cost and scale allows manufacturers the flexibility to maximize resources. They can also execute concurrent production processes and multiple parallel activities that feed into a final assembly stage.

Besides manufacturing more diverse products with shorter life cycles, small batch production offers payoffs in cost control, new product testing, production scale-up and waste reduction. 

Your customers want mass customization and are prepared to vote with their wallets

Reshape Inventory Management with Data Visibility, Robotics and 3D Printing

“A digital warehouse helps a company be future-ready.”


– Mike Bradford
Delmia’s Strategic Business Development Director


Make the shift now towards a fully digital inventory management system. Choose to watch the full video podcast or read the transcript of Mike's insights on how you can achieve efficiency, cut product costs and increase collaboration across your supply chain.


You can have any color you want, as long as it's black," Henry Ford once said. The industrial revolution has come a long way since the Ford Motor Company founder uttered this famous line and went on to develop the assembly line technique to mass-produce identical cars in 1913. Today, the manufacturing world sees a distinct shift from mass production to mass customization. Customers are now better informed and want products tailored to their preferences.

With more than 50 percent of customers keen on purchasing customized products, it's not an option but a necessity to adopt an agile mass customization strategy to stay competitive. However, it’s challenging to juggle diverse portfolios, deliver more variants and maintain speed to market without end-to-end visibility that drives efficiency at every step. This is where an integrated platform can help build agility into mass customization without compromising efficiency, cost or quality. Download our ebook to find out more.

Waste Not, Want Not

Waste production is increasing worldwide, with a projected 70 percent increase over the next 30 years. Despite bringing economy of scale to the table, mass production also contributes to high energy waste. A study revealed that 20 percent of shoes produced worldwide annually are never sold. Unsold products that do not meet market demands are disposed of, representing wastage in material, time, equipment use and inventory.

On the other hand, agile mass customization is epitomized by resource efficiency and flexible processes. By accurately forecasting demand, manufacturers reduce waste and avoid having excess inventory, overloading assembly lines and factory space. Agile mass customization also supports overall waste reduction through lean global operations and supply chain processes.


Quality Is Never an Accident

The advantage of implementing an agile mass customization strategy is evident in product development. By using advanced 3D design capabilities that drive agility, manufacturers can optimize product design, speed up design iterations, accelerate product launches and deliver customized, high-quality products to the market.

In addition, manufacturers can use a virtual twin-enabled platform to:

  • Optimize customized products' manufacturing without physical prototypes
  • Better manage process disruptions
  • Swiftly effect changes to meet individual market demands 



The recent global health crisis brought the global supply chain to a standstill. To get a sense of the scale of the disruption, consider that:

  • Over 40 percent of the Fortune Global 500 firms have a significant presence in China,1
  • More than 75 percent of businesses have ‘one or more direct or Tier 1’ suppliers from China, and
  • About 94 percent of the Fortune 1000 companies have Tier 2 suppliers there.2

As a result of propagated disruption, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) have estimated that global FDI shrank by 15 percent. Supply chain partners are also unable to fulfill orders in time — or at all — during the crisis; the reduction in material components and delivery levels will reverberate throughout the supply chain for the foreseeable future.

In turn, manufacturers now face the following significant challenges when it comes to effectively managing remote employees:

  • Ensuring a stable, consistent transfer of knowledge between disparate teams and stakeholders
  • Providing on-site teams with real-time support and expertise
  • Effectively monitoring production health, performance and insights without being on-site

With large-scale remote working becoming the new operational reality, manufacturers must prepare themselves for a reduction in productivity and innovation while this transition takes place.

Data may be the crude oil of the 21st century, but without the ability to analyze and action based on tangible, accurate insights, it is simply taking up space.

Test -2021 Manufacturing Trends Report

Test - Panel brick - Circle bricks

Test-Immediate Access

Easy to deploy & ready to use without an IT investment

Test-All-in-One Solution

A complete package offering (SaaS, PaaS, IaaS)

Test-Accessible Technology

A portfolio of enterprise-class technologies including your favorite apps: CATIA, SIMULIA, DELMIA, ENOVIA

Test - Offer Plan bricks


Test - Education

Default Panel is used to contain multiple nodes of same or different type, based on the



Think big, spend a little. Unleash your entrepreneurial potential.



Discover the most complete suite of design engineering tools.

Manufacturing Workforce > Infographic: How manufacturers plan to manage a more complex, hybrid workforce in the new normal > Dassault Systèmes®

Benefits of more sustainable manufacturing

Two people discussing at office workplace > Carbon-free production > Dassault Systèmes®

Reduce energy costs

Lifecycle assessment capabilities that are improved with simulation enable manufacturers to calculate all environmental impacts across all lifecycle stages of their factory. This is crucial in helping them time their production processes with the availability of renewable energy sources to realize a low carbon footprint and optimize energy draw from the grid.

Discover our Manufacturing Events

Register to our upcoming Manufacturing events or relive them watching the replays.

Join the largest virtual industrial fair, HANNOVER MESSE 2021, via live streaming to learn how to drive recovery, improve resilience, accelerate sustainability and implement necessary business transformations at scale.

Also discover the Virtual Twin Experience powered by the 3DEXPERIENCE platform to revitalize ecosystems and transform them into growth opportunities.

Test - Hannover Messe 2021

Learn how to drive recovery, improve resilience, accelerate sustainability and implement necessary business transformations at scale.

Also, discover the Virtual Twin Experience powered by the 3DEXPERIENCE platform to revitalize ecosystems and transform them into growth opportunities.

Test Highlight - The Competitive Advantage in a Remote Work Environment

It’s time to get a head start in the new normal with a cloud-based platform that enables a rich, powerful and integrated collaborative experience between all teams and stakeholders. Get the full story in our ebook.

Test Highlight - The Competitive Advantage in a Remote Work Environment

It’s time to get a head start in the new normal with a cloud-based platform that enables a rich, powerful and integrated collaborative experience between all teams and stakeholders. Get the full story in our ebook.

Test - Hannover Messe 2021

Learn how to drive recovery, improve resilience, accelerate sustainability and implement necessary business transformations at scale.

Also, discover the Virtual Twin Experience powered by the 3DEXPERIENCE platform to revitalize ecosystems and transform them into growth opportunities.

Test WOC- Read more articles on Connected Industry

Testing - Discover how 3DEXPERIENCE on the cloud powers the most visionary brands

The cloud-based platform enabled us to seamlessly transition to a work from home environment, in both our US and China locations. Our designers and engineers are able to stay connected in real time and keep moving on their projects.

Test- Phil Weicker
Co-founder and Head of Powertrain & Electronics, CANOO
Customer Story

Test - A new business model enabled by 3DEXPERIENCE

The California startup Canoo is reinventing not just what a vehicle is, but also the business model for how it reaches customers.



Manufacturers can now explore endless combinations of plant-based and non-organic materials at various scales before the final design is sent for production.

test profile
test audio


Test-Managing Change and Growth - CenterLine | DELMIA

Watch: Canadian industrial automation process and technology company CenterLine (Windsor) Limited aimed to optimize robotic work cell designs through digital simulation before deployment of physical equipment on factory floors. With the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, CenterLine could virtually simulate products, processes and factory operations for optimized robot movements, plant layout, material flow and ergonomics.

Test Action Text

Learn more about how our industry solutions can help you to achieve your professional ambition and business objectives

Digital Transformation

Innovate to deploy public interest initiatives more efficiently. Vitae ducimus. Illum numquam tenetur omnis, incidunt. Molestie fermentum pede? Tempore dictumst. Occaecat dui pretium, faucibus posuere ab! Potenti, quae quis test test test test test

Non Governmental Associations

Innovate to deploy public interest initiatives more efficiently. Vitae ducimus. Illum numquam tenetur omnis, incidunt. Molestie fermentum pede? Tempore dictumst. Occaecat dui pretium, faucibus posuere ab! Potenti, quae quis test test test test test

Digital Transformation

Innovate to deploy public interest initiatives more efficiently. Vitae ducimus. Illum numquam tenetur omnis, incidunt. Molestie fermentum pede? Tempore dictumst. Occaecat dui pretium, faucibus posuere ab! Potenti, quae quis test test test test test

Test gif

test gif


Data Visibility

Lifecycle assessment capabilities that are improved with simulation enable manufacturers to calculate all environmental impacts across all lifecycle stages of their factory. This is crucial in helping them time their production processes with the availability of renewable energy sources to realize a low carbon footprint and optimize energy draw from the grid.


Lifecycle assessment capabilities that are improved with simulation enable manufacturers to calculate all environmental impacts across all lifecycle stages of their factory. This is crucial in helping them time their production processes with the availability of renewable energy sources to realize a low carbon footprint and optimize energy draw from the grid.

Test gif 2
Test gif 3

3D Printing

Lifecycle assessment capabilities that are improved with simulation enable manufacturers to calculate all environmental impacts across all lifecycle stages of their factory. This is crucial in helping them time their production processes with the availability of renewable energy sources to realize a low carbon footprint and optimize energy draw from the grid.

Test- gif 120x120 and 80x80

Reduced material Consumption

Lifecycle assessment capabilities that are improved with simulation enable manufacturers to calculate all environmental impacts across all lifecycle stages of their factory. This is crucial in helping them time their production processes with the availability of renewable energy sources to realize a low carbon footprint and optimize energy draw from the grid.

Ability to Create Complex Components

Innovate to deploy public interest initiatives more efficiently. Vitae ducimus. Illum numquam tenetur omnis, incidunt. Molestie fermentum pede? Tempore dictumst. Occaecat dui pretium, faucibus posuere ab! Potenti, quae quis test test test test test

Lower Logistics and Inventory Costs

Innovate to deploy public interest initiatives more efficiently. Vitae ducimus. Illum numquam tenetur omnis, incidunt. Molestie fermentum pede? Tempore dictumst. Occaecat dui pretium, faucibus posuere ab! Potenti, quae quis test test test test test

Shorter Lead time and improved Consistency

Innovate to deploy public interest initiatives more efficiently. Vitae ducimus. Illum numquam tenetur omnis, incidunt. Molestie fermentum pede? Tempore dictumst. Occaecat dui pretium, faucibus posuere ab! Potenti, quae quis test test test test test

Reduced Need for Multiple Machines

Innovate to deploy public interest initiatives more efficiently. Vitae ducimus. Illum numquam tenetur omnis, incidunt. Molestie fermentum pede? Tempore dictumst. Occaecat dui pretium, faucibus posuere ab! Potenti, quae quis test test test test test

Digital Designs and Rapid prototyping

Innovate to deploy public interest initiatives more efficiently. Vitae ducimus. Illum numquam tenetur omnis, incidunt. Molestie fermentum pede? Tempore dictumst. Occaecat dui pretium, faucibus posuere ab! Potenti, quae quis test test test test test

The cloud-based platform enabled us to seamlessly transition to a work from home environment, in both our US and China locations. Our designers and engineers are able to stay connected in real time and keep moving on their projects.

test-Hrishikesh Mohan
Technical Director, Consumer Packaged Goods, Home & Lifestyle, and Retail, Dassault Systèmes

1. Accordion

An accordion menu is a vertically stacked list of headers that can be clicked to reveal or hide content associated with them. Learn how to use them in your interface.

test V2


Our solutions supported the healthcare sector amid the COVID-19 pandemic as specialists pushed ahead with research, clinical development and then the production of vaccines in record time. We consistently helped smooth the design and development process for medical and surgical solutions tailored to individual patient needs.


Digital innovations are helping city planners rethink the built environment and embrace a more sustainable and resilient urban universe. These solutions help engineers, architects and local authorities to design, build and manage efficient, eye-catching and open structures and urban systems, helping to safeguard the quality of life for future generations.


More fluid, simpler, quieter and more energy-efficient transport solutions are taking shape as a result of virtual universes facilitating the design, modeling and simulation of new mobility experiences. On land, on the sea, in the air and even in space.


The industrial revolution is powered by global communication, interconnected machines, the internet of things, the cloud, artificial intelligence, big data analysis and machine learning. It can deliver new experiences that are more meaningful and longer-lasting for everyone.

Test Highlight brick

Our culture is driven by a commitment to innovation and to having a positive impact on society. Everything we do is geared to improving the future.

Test Action Text-1

Innovate to deploy public interest initiatives more efficiently. Vitae ducimus. Illum numquam tenetur omnis, incidunt.

Test-Action Text Two

Innovate to deploy public interest initiatives more efficiently. Vitae ducimus. Illum numquam tenetur omnis, incidunt.

Test-Action Text Three

Innovate to deploy public interest initiatives more efficiently. Vitae ducimus. Illum numquam tenetur omnis, incidunt.


Test offer plan

Lifecycle assessment capabilities that are improved with simulation enable manufacturers to calculate all environmental impacts across all lifecycle stages of their factory.

  • Optimize customized products' manufacturing without physical prototypes
  • Better manage process disruptions
  • Swiftly effect changes to meet individual market demands 
  • More than 75 percent of businesses have ‘one or more direct or Tier 1’ suppliers from China, and


test video

The Three Enablers of Innovation


Waste production is increasing worldwide, with a projected 70 percent increase over the next 30 years. Despite bringing economy of scale to the table, mass production also contributes to high energy waste.

A study revealed that 20 percent of shoes produced worldwide annually are never sold. Unsold products that do not meet market demands are disposed of, representing wastage in material, time, equipment use and inventory.

On the other hand, agile mass customization is epitomized by resource efficiency and flexible processes. By accurately forecasting demand, manufacturers reduce waste and avoid having excess inventory, overloading assembly lines and factory space.

Agile mass customization also supports overall waste reduction through lean global operations and supply chain processes.

Reduced material Consumption

Lifecycle assessment capabilities that are improved with simulation enable manufacturers to calculate all environmental impacts across all lifecycle stages of their factory. This is crucial in helping them time their production processes with the availability of renewable energy sources to realize a low carbon footprint and optimize energy draw from the grid.

Ability to Create Complex Components

Innovate to deploy public interest initiatives more efficiently. Vitae ducimus. Illum numquam tenetur omnis, incidunt. Molestie fermentum pede? Tempore dictumst. Occaecat dui pretium, faucibus posuere ab! Potenti, quae quis test test test test test

Lower Logistics and Inventory Costs

Innovate to deploy public interest initiatives more efficiently. Vitae ducimus. Illum numquam tenetur omnis, incidunt. Molestie fermentum pede? Tempore dictumst. Occaecat dui pretium, faucibus posuere ab! Potenti, quae quis test test test test test

test carousel box

test carousel box 2



Gif Icon for The Three Enablers of Innovation> Connected Industry >  Dassault Systèmes®

In reality, many companies fail to address the complexities in their product development process despite having solid plans. It's not enough to merely break down the planning silos. What's more important is to have effective management of all the different disciplines when organizing the data and processes.

"Having a good plan is just one part of the overall process," explains Garth. You must also get everyone on board with the plan. How do you get everybody connected and integrated? Can you be sure that all stakeholders have full visibility of the overall plan? Is everyone on the same page?

Getting ahead of the competition requires a fully integrated product development process that involves three pillars of innovation.

Make rapid changes in the product development process

Be agile and quick when production needs to ramp up

Have incredible resiliency when disruptions occur

Additive Manufacturing> Subtractive Manufacturing> Dassault Systèmes®

Jean-Marc Cauzac

Manufacturing Consultant, Dassault Systèmes

Jean-Marc has been with Dassault Systèmes for over 30 years. He currently handles the fabrication portfolio and specializes in the additive and subtractive manufacturing domains.  

Additive Manufacturing> Digital Manufacturing> Dassault Systèmes®

Dominique Galmel

Industry Equipment Manufacturing Solution Director, Dassault Systèmes

Dominique began his career with Dassault Systèmes developing automotive powertrain manufacturing solutions. His current portfolio covers digital manufacturing, supply chain planning and optimization, manufacturing execution systems and additive manufacturing.

A user's face is scanned and the manufacturing process is updated.

Parts are printed according to facial morphology.

Dassault Systèmes' simulation solutions help validate the parts.

The parts are printed right the first time, minimizing wastage.

Watch Webinar > Trendbook > Dassault Systèmes®

Make Lean Work for You

Overcome your operational challenges and make Lean work for you. Watch our exclusive webinar to find out how you can leverage the virtual world to improve collaboration and drive sustained manufacturing excellence.

Test - A new business model enabled by 3DEXPERIENCE

The California startup Canoo is reinventing not just what a vehicle is, but also the business model for how it reaches customers.

Continuous enforcement of service improvements

Lean initiatives succeed when its enforcement is embedded directly into the manufacturing processes through automated directed manufacturing, reviews and signoffs. Employees can then be guided through new procedures, reinforcing new behaviors until they become habits. Stakeholders must also provide the proper resources and support towards implementing a Lean initiative that will stand the test of time.


Unfortunately, the current way of working for many companies impedes their ability to achieve continuity, particularly during times of extreme disruption. This can lead to inefficiencies, ultimately resulting in value being left on the table.</p>

Some of the existing challenges that stand in the way of Lean thinking include:

Organizational barriers

Top-down processes disempower and stifle teams that could otherwise add more value. As a result, teams lack good working relationships and tend to work in siloes. They also often lack the structure and learned behaviors to analyze problems, identify waste and ensure corrective actions are assigned.

Lack of outcome-oriented structures and processes

Many teams are disconnected; when they meet, their time is often wasted, lacking focus on what is important. Information is also disparate and not presented in a way that can steer discourse towards the desired outcome.

Watch Webinar > Trendbook > Dassault Systèmes®

Make Lean Work for You

Overcome your operational challenges and make Lean work for you. Watch our exclusive webinar to find out how you can leverage the virtual world to improve collaboration and drive sustained manufacturing excellence.


What happens to data that is extracted and stored?

Data sets typically remain siloed off in disconnected databases without being incorporated into the day-to-day manufacturing processes, making its interpretation, accessibility and use difficult.

prashanth mysore
Big Data and Smart Manufacturing > Siloed Technologies > Dassault Systèmes®

"Data may be the crude oil of the 21st century, but without the ability to analyze and action based on tangible, accurate insights, it is simply taking up space."


– Mike Bradford
Delmia’s Strategic Business Development Director

Data may be the crude oil of the 21st century, but without the ability to analyze and action based on tangible, accurate insights, it is simply taking up space.

2019 Manufacturing Trends Report, Microsoft

Table test

  On-Premise ERP Cloud-Hosted ERP/Managed Service Cloud ERP (SaaS)
SW License Fees Paid up front Paid up front Monthly subscription
User License Agreement Perpetual License Perpetual License 36 month commitment
Hardware Location Customer determined Data Center Data Center
System Hardware Provided by customer Rented in the data center Included in monthly subscription fees
Implementation & Training Paid as incurred Paid as incurred Paid as incurred
Power, Network & Environment Provided by customer Provided by the data center Provided by the data center
SW Maintenance & Support Fees Paid periodically by the customer Paid periodically by the customer Included in monthly subscription fees
Backup & Redundancy Provided by customer Provided by the data center Included in monthly subscription fees


Smart Mass Customization >Big Data Benefits on a Single Platform > Dassault Systèmes®











Infographic test_V2

With the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, manufacturers are now equipped to unlock the full potential of their data and deliver personalized customer experiences that tick the boxes for every buyer.

With the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, manufacturers are now equipped to unlock the full potential of their data and deliver personalized customer experiences that tick the boxes for every buyer.

You have a project? A question? Let's talk

Have a Dassault Systèmes expert contact you to answer your questions and discuss any of your needs

"You can have any color you want, as long as it's black," Henry Ford once said. The industrial revolution has come a long way since the Ford Motor Company founder uttered this famous line and went on to develop the assembly line technique to mass-produce identical cars in 1913. Today, the manufacturing world sees a distinct shift from mass production to mass customization. Customers are now better informed and want products tailored to their preferences.


With more than 50 percent of customers keen on purchasing customized products, it's not an option but a necessity to adopt an agile mass customization strategy to stay competitive. However, it’s challenging to juggle diverse portfolios, deliver more variants and maintain speed to market without end-to-end visibility that drives efficiency at every step. This is where an integrated platform can help build agility into mass customization without compromising efficiency, cost or quality. Download our ebook to find out more.

3D-Printed Product > Mass Customization > Dassault Systèmes®

Test Carousel Banner Highlight

Test Carousel Banner Action text

Video Teaser

AI-Driven Predictive Maintenance: Manufacturing’s Next Digital Frontier

With better connectivity and big data collection, artificial intelligence is set to power up intelligent asset maintenance and bring operational optimization across factory floors.

Unleash the Power of Additive Manufacturing

Optimize your additive manufacturing strategy on the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.

Dassault Systèmes' in-house expert, Adrian Wood, shares how you can get the most out of additive manufacturing in a closed-loop environment.

Duration 30 seconds

Easier adopton by SMEs

Today, small- and medium-sized manufacturers can move away from outsourcing and use robots to increase productivity, especially in countries with tax policies that incentivize robotics adoption.

Emergence of new sectors

Robotics is now emerging in sectors such as food manufacturing. The combination of lower product and labor costs increases the appeal of robotics, particularly during events of unsustainable economic pressures


iframe test 2

test dist-15apr

Manufacturing Pillars


Manufacturing Workforce

Virtual Twin Experiences for Sustainable Innovation – Helping People Live Healthier Lives


Operational Optimization

The life sciences industry value chain must transform to respond to changing wants and needs — now.


Sustainable Manufacturing

Total quality requires total control

Manufacturing Topics

Virtual Twin Experiences for Sustainable Innovation – Helping People Live Healthier Lives

Fast Forward to Value Chain Transformation

The life sciences industry value chain must transform to respond to changing wants and needs — now.

Confidence in Control

Total quality requires total control

E-book “Shortcut to Market”

Discover how to accelerate product launches and create unforgettable consumer experiences



testing Iframe

Test Iframe

Innovation is essential to business growth.

The 3DEXPERIENCE platform acts as the conduit tying everyone and everything together. This enables teams to collaborate easily, to share insight and real-time data, resulting in confident decision making that drives business innovation.

Talent Acquisition > Dassault Systèmes

Learning Support Manager

The role of a Learning Support Manager is to design, implement and oversee educational opportunities for staff and management. You bridge the gap between training and the requirements of the business. Managing staff development programs, from content creation to delivery and improvement, you need to share, inform, and report in real-time while working with employees and managers. You must organize, track, and deliver all of your programs from one location in order to evaluate them and demonstrate their effectiveness.

The 3DEXPERIENCE platform provides a single location to collaboratively manage learning support activities. Dashboards let you exchange information in real-time, manage approval workflows and track training certifications. The 3DEXPERIENCE platform makes it possible to have a qualified workforce by instantly identifying any knowledge gaps. 

Talent Acquisition > Dassault Systèmes

Talent Acquisition

As a talent acquisition professional, you need to collaborate with all departments to hire the best candidates. Speed is essential; you need to keep things moving if you want to recruit the best talent. There should be no delay in internal communications, reviews and approvals. You require a technology that manages workflows, aligns schedules, and provides repeatable templates so everyone works together productively.

The 3DEXPERIENCE platform helps to simplify the personal screening and hiring process. The platform connects everyone through structured collaboration to streamline the hiring process. Collaborative workflows and tasks ensure everyone knows what they need to contribute and by when. The platform's real-time visibility and traceability of resumes and feedback streamlines screening and interview scheduling for speedy hiring.