T49-2024 Notification regarding BIOVIA Draw 2024 SP1

We are providing this Technical Note to inform you about the release of BIOVIA Draw 2024 SP1 which includes the following enhancements and fixed defects:



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We are providing this Technical Note to inform you about the release of BIOVIA Draw 2024 SP1 which includes the following enhancements and fixed defects:


This release of BIOVIA Draw includes the following enhancements:

User StoryDescription
DRAW-17598Modified the conversion of granular RNA SCSR representation to HELM strings to avoid using SMILES for representing granular nucleotides without a base. This is necessary because the sugar has only two attachment points to phosphates.
DRAW-17900Added support for having two leaving groups (LG and RG) on same atom while creating new SCSR templates.
DRAW-17901Draw now supports saving of new SCSR templates even if a similar structure template exists.
DRAW-17902BIOVIA Draw now supports the creation of charged phosphates SCSR templates.
DRAW-17905Draw now does not display M/P/R/S stereo labels for Bad stereo molecule.
DRAW-17906Enhanced the status bar to add a button for highlighting the atoms causing warning messages while sketching.
DRAW-17907Added a new submenu under the Help menu to show all the available keyboard shortcuts in Draw.
DRAW-17908The Manage Centralized Libraries dialog now has a "Select all" option to choose the libraries to download.
DRAW-17990BIOVIA Draw now provides new setting for specifying whether Pipette Sketcher is launched in HELM or SCSR mode.

Fixed Defects

This release of BIOVIA Draw includes the following fixed defects:

DRAW-17893Draw now creates HELM strings without any delay.
DRAW-17934Copy/paste molecule to the reagent molecule on the Draw canvas now retains the proper alignment.
DRAW-17951The Eraser tool now works properly when used on the Draw canvas.
DRAW-17903Stereo centers are assigned uniquely for allene's and double bonds.
DRAW-17904With improved stereo label rendering, Draw now makes it easier to visualize complex molecules stereo labels.
DRAW-17910Draw now supports the modification of granular RNA residues with Phosphate containing stereo.
DRAW-17911Draw now renders the toolbars properly after switching from modern to classic layout.
DRAW-17914Natural replacement class field is no longer required in Draw while creating a new SCSR template.
DRAW-17916Draw now generates IUPAC name for Granular RNA sequences.
DRAW-17925Draw now shows a valid error message when user doesn't have the proper access to run the search query in SciFinder dialog.
DRAW-17931Draw now clears the existing warning display in the status bar after changing the preferences.
DRAW-17970Draw can now handle the opening of multiple instances of the MS Fragmentation dialog.
DRAW-17997Aromatic bonds as circle setting now works as expected when set to On.
DRAW-18021Mutagenesis details are included into the Mol file on copy operation.
DRAW-18025Improved the display of Stereo Labels for molecules having enhanced stereo.
DRAW-14528The "Resize to Fit Page" setting retains the bond/atom length and font values upon subsequent file loading onto the Draw canvas.
DRAW-14928MS Fragmentation tool now identifies and displays ChemDraw Sgroups.
DRAW-17899Draw now display RNA/DNA sequences by default "Up" Orientation

Biovia Draw now has setting (EnableAutoAlignSeqOnFileLoad) provided to retain the

custom sequence layout when sequence file is loaded on to Draw Canvas.

DRAW-17972The horizontal scrollbar is visible when the Extend Canvas option is selected from the Center Structure Resize Drawing tool.
DRAW-17994Stereo Labels display properly while copying/pasting molecules with wedge bonds.
DRAW-17874Draw OLE objects updates template styles selected on editing.
DRAW-17913The ForceV3000 preference setting can now be set and can be used while Draw is invoked from the DrawBridge.


BIOVIA Draw 2024 SP1 was released in May 2024 and is available for download at https://software.3ds.com under BIOVIA products:

Product line: Lab, Scientific and Content Solutions

Release: 2024

Level: BIOVIA 2024 Refresh2

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