BIOVIA Foundation
Operating System
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We are providing this Technical Note to inform you about the controlled availability (CA) release of BIOVIA Foundation 2020 SP1 IDR4 which includes the following fixed defect.
This release is applicable to BIOVIA Foundation 2020 SP1.
Compose System Parameter Templates that have been re-versioned must be updated to be
Process type parameters.
The below steps will resolve the issues reported in DAT-21898, IR-875945-BIOVIA2022.
- Using Oracle SQL Developer or SQLPlus, open a connection to the Hub Oracle schema with schema owner permissions.
- Run the following command to identify impacted Parameter Template versions:
select, p.display_name, p.parameter_type, pt.life_cycle_version,pt.life_cycle_root_id from cor_parameter_template pt inner join cor_parameter p on = where pt.life_cycle_root_id in ('7DFFC726A8354491B6C72F86DB68739F', '9001DFE8371348538693E54D5F1FEAA9','FCC180F0C88242BCA2B6DDBC255F63DE', 'E1386C970A64459EA3C148D3D232E60A','010EF36CF5C04E959E9FFCE3837F7D05' ) and p.parameter_type = 'System' order by pt.life_cycle_root_id, pt.life_cycle_version asc; - Run the following command to create an audit revision record:
insert into cor_audit_revision (id, application_id, application_version, client_hostname, clientip, description, user_full_name, user_id, username, timestamp, modified_classes) select hibernate_sequence.nextval,, a.application_version, '', '', 'Update Compose System parameters to Process parameters regardless of lifecycle version for IDR. (DAT-21898, IR-875945-BIOVIA2022)',,, u.username, current_timestamp, ',ParameterTemplate,Parameter,' from hub_application a cross join sec_user u where a.client_id = 'foundation-hub' and u.username = 'svc_foundation-hub'; - Run the following command to create history for affected Parameter Templates:
insert into aud_cor_parameter_template ( id, rev, revtype, version, life_cycle, life_cycle_root_id, life_cycle_state, life_cycle_version, parameter_id,reference_ontology_id, external_id, life_cycle_policy, sequence_position,hidden ) select id, (SELECT max(id) from or_audit_revision where description = 'Update Compose System parameters to Process parameters regardless of lifecycle version for IDR. (DAT-21898, IR-875945-BIOVIA2022)'), 1, version + 1,life_cycle, life_cycle_root_id, life_cycle_state, life_cycle_version,parameter_id, reference_ontology_id, external_id, life_cycle_policy,sequence_position, hidden from cor_parameter_template where id in ( select from cor_parameter_template pt inner join cor_parameter p on = where pt.life_cycle_root_id in ( '7DFFC726A8354491B6C72F86DB68739F','9001DFE8371348538693E54D5F1FEAA9', 'FCC180F0C88242BCA2B6DDBC255F63DE','E1386C970A64459EA3C148D3D232E60A', '010EF36CF5C04E959E9FFCE3837F7D05' ) and p.parameter_type = 'System' ); - Run the following command to create history for affected Parameters:
insert into aud_cor_parameter ( id, rev, revtype, version, actual_value_exists,actual_value_required, date_created, deleted, derived_from, description,display_name, expressions_json, last_updated, name, parameter_type,planned_value_exists, planned_value_required, tag, value_type, cloned_from,context_id, default_constraint, root_id, format_method, rounding_rule,significant_digits, equipment_reading_mapping_id, parameter_concept,recorded_significant_digits ) select id, (SELECT max(id) from cor_audit_revision where description = 'Update Compose System parameters to Process parameters regardless of lifecycle version for IDR. (DAT-21898, IR-875945-BIOVIA2022)'), 1, version + 1, actual_value_exists,actual_value_required, date_created, deleted, derived_from, description,display_name, expressions_json, current_timestamp, name, 'Process',planned_value_exists, planned_value_required, tag, value_type, cloned_from,context_id, default_constraint, root_id, format_method, rounding_rule,significant_digits, equipment_reading_mapping_id, parameter_concept,recorded_significant_digits from cor_parameter where id in ( select from cor_parameter_template pt inner join cor_parameter p on = where pt.life_cycle_root_id in ( '7DFFC726A8354491B6C72F86DB68739F','9001DFE8371348538693E54D5F1FEAA9', 'FCC180F0C88242BCA2B6DDBC255F63DE','E1386C970A64459EA3C148D3D232E60A', '010EF36CF5C04E959E9FFCE3837F7D05' ) and p.parameter_type = 'System' ); - Run the following command to correct the affected Parameter Templates:
merge into cor_parameter_template target using ( select from cor_parameter_template pt inner join cor_parameter p on = where pt.life_cycle_root_id in ( '7DFFC726A8354491B6C72F86DB68739F','9001DFE8371348538693E54D5F1FEAA9', 'FCC180F0C88242BCA2B6DDBC255F63DE','E1386C970A64459EA3C148D3D232E60A', '010EF36CF5C04E959E9FFCE3837F7D05' ) and p.parameter_type = 'System' ) source on ( = when matched then update set target.version = target.version + 1; - Run the following command to correct the affected Parameter Templates and Parameters. Complete the correction by performing a commit command:
merge into cor_parameter target using ( select from cor_parameter_templatept inner join cor_parameter p on = where pt.life_cycle_root_id in ('7DFFC726A8354491B6C72F86DB68739F', '9001DFE8371348538693E54D5F1FEAA9','FCC180F0C88242BCA2B6DDBC255F63DE', 'E1386C970A64459EA3C148D3D232E60A','010EF36CF5C04E959E9FFCE3837F7D05' ) and p.parameter_type = 'System' ) source on ( = when matched then update set target.parameter_type = 'Process', target.version = target.version + 1, target.last_updated = current_timestamp;
BIOVIA Foundation 2020 SP1 IDR4 was released in 14 April 2023. To get access to this release, please contact BIOVIA Support.
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