IFC Human
IFC Human : Interactive Fitting for Catia Human moduleIFC Human is an add-on workbench of IFC Core for realtime human simulation functionalities, IFC Human...

A solution by: HAPTION
Application domain: Product Synthesis
Solution Overview
IFC Human : Interactive Fitting for Catia Human module
IFC Human is an add-on workbench of IFC Core for realtime human simulation functionalities, IFC Human can animate in realtime the human Builder manikin in the Digital Mockup.
IFC Human lets you:
- Transfer the geometry and kinematics of a V5 manikin to the physics simulation
- Animate the V5 manikin in real-time
- Attach haptic devices to the hands of the V5 manikin
- Control all segments of the V5 manikin using a full-body tracking system: Animazoo, ART, Motion Analysis, Vicon, Xsens
- Compute contact constraints in real-time
- Control of the manikin's hands using instrumented gloves, such as CyberglovesTM II or FingerTrackingTM
- Record the motion of the V5 manikin in real-time, and store it as an XML file
- Replay the motion with collision cue.
IFC Human request, IFC Core prerequisite + HBR

- Validate Human constraint on assembly and mouting processes
- Evaluate tooling
- Human accessibility, reachability, visibility
- Maintainability procedure