Elysium V5 MultiCAx-ProE Plug-In

This is a data translator from Pro/Engineer to DELMIA V5 embedded into DELMIA V5 environment. This product is developed using XCAD infrastructure provided...

A solution by: ELYSIUM

Application domain: Infrastructure

Solution Overview

This is a data translator from Pro/Engineer to DELMIA V5 embedded into DELMIA V5 environment. This product is developed using XCAD infrastructure provided by Dassault Systemes, and DEK (Elysium Data Exchange Kernel) which realize the best-in-industry accuracy in data translation. Pro/E Part is translated to DELMIA V5 CATPart or CGR, and Pro/E Assembly to DELMIA V5 CATProduct including product structure information, attribute information etc.

Users can execute data translation in following two ways;

  • Interactive import: Importing Pro/E files from the menu of DELMIA V5 user interface
  • Command line import: Executing the data translation via command line interface for batch execution

Elysium MultiCAx plug-in products plug-in to your standard V5 environment and provide easy to use translation capabilities. The Elysium data exchange foundation understands the characteristics of each of the supported CAD systems and can make the required adjustments and corrections required for any data conversion.

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You can utilize Elysium Data Exchange Kernel (DEK) within DELMIA V5. Elysium MultiCAx plug-in products can minimize your translation issues by using the experience and intelligence built into the Elysium data exchange kernel (DEK) to translate your data correctly the first time. This allows you to focus on the product development task rather than data exchange problem solving.

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