MagicDraw-Cameo / Gears Bridge
No Magic MagicDraw-Cameo/ BigLever Software Gears Bridge enables engineering organizations to utilize MagicDraw and Cameo models as shared assets within...

Application domain: Equipement & Systems Engineering
Solution Overview
No Magic MagicDraw-Cameo/ BigLever Software Gears Bridge enables engineering organizations to utilize MagicDraw and Cameo models as shared assets within their Gears production lines, and Gears PLE constructs as first-class systems and software engineering mechanisms for managing product line diversity:
- Use PLE mechanisms to manage the diversity for a full product line in a single, consolidated Model Based Engineering (MBE) model, as a highly scalable alternative to cloned copies or one-size-fits-all UML and SysML models. Automatically configure MagicDraw and Cameo models for different products by making feature choices in a Gears feature profile. Convert MagicDraw and Cameo model elements and properties into Gears variation points to encapsulate the PLE diversity for that model element or property, without extending or complicating UML and SysML models. Use one or more MagicDraw and Cameo models – either packages or projects – in a larger collection of shared assets across the full engineering lifecycle
- Reduces unintentional complexity that plagues complex engineering organizations
- Higher Productivity - Eliminates redundant, repetitive tasks to allow your skilled engineering talent to focus on high value work..
- Higher Quality - Removes human error, simplifies/streamlines testing and Q&A, and decreases overall defect density to improve the quality of your product line.
- Greater Scalability of Product Line Uses feature-based asset sharing and automated production to create new products and features and grow the product line— with the push of a button.