GT V5 Structure Design 1
Digital Project Designer is a comprehensive 3D modeler with an extensive set of tools for creating and managing building information throughout the building...

Application domain: Equipement & Systems Engineering
Solution Overview
Digital Project Designer is a comprehensive 3D modeler with an extensive set of tools for creating and managing building information throughout the building lifecycle. Digital Project Designer is a high-performance 3D modeling tool for architectural design, engineering, and construction. Designer provides an extensive set of tools for creating and managing building information throughout the building lifecycle. Parametric 3D surface and solids modeling, free-style surface modeling (NURBS), and geometric modeling from wireframe and surface modeling through feature-based solid geometry. Designer provides attribute modeling, so rich construction information can be applied to project geometry. Designer supports Uniformat and CSI attribute schema for cost estimating and specification referencing; and provides attributes for quality control, and utilities for extensions of attribute schema.
- Design innovation. Parametric and generative modeling.
- Design to fabrication.
- Integration with scheduling applications for 4D construction modeling.
- Support for virtually any size team and any size project, at any level of detail.