Product OverviewFASTSURF offers various robotics functions for process planning, path creation as well as offline programming and analysis of surface...
A solution by: CENIT
Application domain: Manufacturing
Solution Overview
Product OverviewFASTSURF offers various robotics functions for process planning, path creation as well as offline programming and analysis of surface processes, such as painting, cladding, non-destructive testing (NDT), shot peening and sand blasting, gluing, polishing, plasma coating, etc.It offers a highly productive and intuitive simulation environment providing different tools to fulfill any kind of robot simulation requirements. As a CAA V5 application FASTSURF is fully integrated into DELMIA's infrastructure. This provides design and layout functions to set up the robot cell.Product Advantages Fully integrated 3D programming, simulation, process verification and visualization of potential painting results Preparation of the spray object - simple and flexible creation, accurateness and refinement of grids Exact definition of spray pistols (technology, setup, spray patterns) Automatic generation of robot motions based on CAD geometry: perpendicular to surface using guide plane, perpendicular to surface using guide contour, along a given contour, standard DELMIA motions Parametric programming incl. programming templates and trigger support Simulation of the entire robot cell, incl. synchronization of robots and other system components Versatile functions for the modification and optimization of robot paths: Manual manipulation, point interpolation, rail interpolation Precise control simulation (RRS) Process yalidation through reachability analysis of the respective robot type and collision recognition between robot, jet, component and additional axes Powerful functions to calculate smooth and collision-free tool paths Visualization via colour scale to display film thicknesses Reliable robot programs
- Comprehensive process chain of planning, offline programming, simulation up to the analysis through direct usage of native V5 data
- Increased availability of robot cell through the omission of the teach-in process
- Extensive robot library
- High quality thanks to previous simulation, data visualization, collision control and axis limit monitoring
- Simple user interface