3DCS Mechanical Variation Modeler CAAV5

3DCS Mechanical Variation Analyst is a new tool from DCS specially geared for the mechanical world. 3DCS Mechanical is an easy to use product that allows...


Application domain: Mechanical Design

Solution Overview

3DCS Mechanical Variation Analyst is a new tool from DCS specially geared for the mechanical world. 3DCS Mechanical is an easy to use product that allows users to model mechanical and kinematic assemblies with full range of motion. These assemblies use new joint and constraint assembly definitions instead of the 3-2-1 move routines which allow automatic extraction of the assembly process, making the modeling process faster and easier. This, in addition to the new kinematic solver, GGCM, allowing tolerance analysis of over-contrained assemblies, makes 3DCS Mechanical an excellent fit for performing variation analysis on engines, switches, gears and other mechanical components.
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  • Model mechanical and kinematic assemblies with full range of motion
  • 3DCS Mechanical incorporates a unique kinematic solver, called GGCM, allowing 3DCS Mechanical to solve over-constrained assemblies
  • Automatic extraction of tolerances speeds up the process of modeling by leaps and bounds
  • Perform variation analysis on assemblies that may bind or fail to articulate
  • New move routines make modeling easier to understand and perform

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