Hexaedric meshing in CATIA V5

A solution by: ANSYS
Application domain: Simulation
Solution Overview
Blocks can be interactively adjusted to the underlying CAD geometry. Body fitted internal or external O-Grids can be generated by the system automatically. The mesh is projected onto the underlying CAD geometry automatically.
In ANSYS ICEM CFD Hexa CAA V5 Based (Version 3), user creates block structure on CATIA Part using blocking workbench associated to underlying geometry and assigns meshing parameters. Next, user goes to Hexa analysis workbench to create mesh which is stored within CATIA V5 Analysis document. Changes in the CATIA V5 model for a given topology are reflected quickly in the updated mesh, which is regenerated automatically, based on the block structure and mesh set-up data.
The target users of ICEM CFD Hexa CAA V5 Based are CFD and FEA engineers using CATIA V5 in the automotive, aerospace, process and electronic industries, who require good quality hexahedral volume meshes for analysis. Stretched configurations, non-linear material behavior, reduced mesh counts and demands for high accuracy are the driving forces for hexahedral meshes provided by ICEM CFD Hexa.
- Associativity with CATIA V5 design and analysis models
- High quality hexahedral meshing for complex geometries fully integrated within CATIA V5 Graphical User Interface.
- Support automated and accelerated design-to-analysis iterations
- Increase number of analysis variations providing improved results
- Same tools for CFD and structural applications.