AutoForm-ProcessDesigner for CATIA V5

Application domain: Mechanical Design
Solution Overview
AutoForm-ProcessDesignerforCATIA combines expertise in sheet metal forming with the effective design functionalities of CATIA V5. The software allows for the company-wide standardization in process engineering and process design while significantly reducing the time needed to create CAD quality die face tooling surfaces.
With AutoForm-ProcessDesignerforCATIA users can create the die layout, which includes not only deep drawing, but also all secondary operations, without having to leave the CATIA environment. This software is tailored to the needs of process designers.
The main features of AutoForm-ProcessDesignerforCATIA are:
- Specially designed CATIA features for process designers
- Support of company-wide workflow standardization and data consistency
- Easy and accurate computation of developed flanges
- Drawbeads including ends can be easily created in various shapes
- Trim segmentation automatically takes over-cut into account
- Integrated in the CATIA environment and fully compatible with all CATIA V5 functions

- Support of company-wide workflow standardization and data consistency
- Easy and accurate creation of stamping tooling surfaces including developed flanges and drawbeads
- Advanced compensation of tool surfaces that utilizes process simulation data as part of a fully digital development process
- Trim segmentation automatically takes over-cut into account
- Integrated in the CATIA environment and fully compatible with all CATIA V5 functions