A solution by: ESI GROUP
Application domain: Simulation
Solution Overview
ESI Group's PAM-TFA for CATIA V5 stands for Transparent Formability Analysis integrated into the CATIA V5 environment. It is a powerful ?inverse? solver, offering up front part feasibility and part costing solutions. "PAM-TFA for CATIA V5" allows users to build, calculate and analyse a component. Based on the surface description - defined in CATIA V5 - the user starts an analysis based on inverse FE technology directly within CATIA. This will help identify manufacturability issues on the newly drafted CAD part earlier in the design process and make first estimate of the material usage. Integration in the design process allows direct propagations of design modifications on the simulation result.
- Generative modeling with full associativity between CAD design and forming simulation
- Reduction of design process cycle times. Early decision-making in the design process for part formability and material cost estimation
- Seamless integration of inverse solver allowing elimination of data flow discontinuity and translation errors
- Full benefit of collaborative engineering simulation technology within the 3D-PLM environment