Contact Information
Company address: 1997 EL DORADO AVE 94707-2441 BERKELEY ALAMEDA CA, USA
Partner Overview
Tom Sawyer Software is the leading graph technology platform provider that enables organizations to build highly scalable and flexible graph and data visualization and analysis applications. These applications are used by enterprises, systems integrators, technology providers, and government agencies to discover hidden patterns, complex relationships, and key trends in datasets. The platform includes a SDK and low-code development environment which is used to create applications to transform data into beautiful, accurate, and readable graph and data visualizations with analysis. These visualizations and analysis can be in a stand-alone web application or embedded into an existing application. We work with all types and sizes of companies, from startups to Fortune 1,000 companies in many industries including Finance, IT, Manufacturing, Aerospace, and Automotive. Our solutions are used by software developers, database architects, systems engineers, data scientists, and more.
Partner Highlights
Systems engineers can spend up to 80% of their time creating and updating MBSE diagrams. With Tom Sawyer Model-Based Engineering, systems engineers can instantly create high-quality, customizable diagrams with automated layout for SysML models with a plugin for MagicDraw or Cameo Systems Modeler, or with a stand-alone web application that connects to Teamwork Cloud. Instantly transform your model definitions into rigorous, customized, user-friendly, and highly interactive visualizations with Tom Sawyer Model-Based Engineering. Create Block Definition, Internal Block, Parametric, Use Case, Activity, State Machine, Package, and Requirements diagrams from your SysML model in seconds. We have clients in many different industries and domain spaces including Aikoku Alpha, BAE Systems, European Space Agency, Ford, Honda, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Lockheed Martin, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon Technologies, SAIC, Toyota.