Contact Information
Company name: BEANTECH SRL
Company address: VIA IVREA 5 33100 UDINE UD, ITA
Partner Overview
beanTech is an Italian tech company, believing in innovation strength. Thanks to its experience – developed over the years – and with the best technologies available today, beanTech addresses manufacturing industries to help them with the Digital Transformation’s challenges, with the goal to take the opportunities of “Industry 4.0” paradigm.
A well-proven method, up to date technologies and a multidisciplinary team allow beanTech to be an effective system integrator, a reliable partner for the management of the “data supply chain” and a valuable business ally able to the face together market’s challenges.
Its method, perfected over the years and over its projects, goes from business and process consulting within Planning, Scheduling, Manufacturing Execution, Shop Floor Management, Quality, Maintenance, Manufacturing Operation Management, to the development and implementations of IT solutions, as-is Analysis, the Definition of Model to-be, Requirements Acquisition, and Customer Support & Service.
beanTech IT solutions are the result of the fusion of international products “best-of-breed” and vertical capabilities, based on a lot of projects developed in Italy and around the world. beanTech skills space from the implementation of solutions for manufacturing industries, built from scratch or added existing infrastructures, to the implementation of sensors for machines and industries, used for data acquisition and analysis. Data can be collected and used by Business Analytics’ technologies, for descriptive, diagnostic, predictive and prescriptive goals.
beanTech team, a well-built and multidisciplinary crew, ensure reliability and competence. Using the best technologies available, it can developed and install the best solutions up to date, preparing the necessary infrastructure, making possible the implementation of data acquisition systems and the consequential Business Intelligence data elaboration in order to improve the decision making process of customer companies.
Partner Highlights
- Reselling, Implementation, and Training
With the help Dassault Systèmes, beanTech presents itself as system integrator of APRISO infrastructure, sharing its knowledge with its partners and customers. Its goal is to improve the processes of manufacturing organizations.
Thanks to Dassault solutions, beanTech is able to improve:
• Supply chain planning and scheduling
• Production Execution
• Quality Control
• Maintenance Management
• Materials Traceability and Genealogy Management
With its teams, beanTech can also developed solutions addressed to:
• Machine integration and data collection (Industrial IoT & Machine Vision)
• IT Infrastructure (on premises, on cloud, hybrid, safe and scalable)
• Data Analytics (report, dashboard, analytics, big data)
• Software Development (web app, mobile app)
• Artificial Intelligence (machine learning, deep learning)
With the help Dassault Systèmes, beanTech presents itself as system integrator of APRISO infrastructure, sharing its knowledge with its partners and customers. Its goal is to improve the processes of manufacturing organizations.
Thanks to Dassault solutions, beanTech is able to improve:
• Supply chain planning and scheduling
• Production Execution
• Quality Control
• Maintenance Management
• Materials Traceability and Genealogy Management
With its teams, beanTech can also developed solutions addressed to:
• Machine integration and data collection (Industrial IoT & Machine Vision)
• IT Infrastructure (on premises, on cloud, hybrid, safe and scalable)
• Data Analytics (report, dashboard, analytics, big data)
• Software Development (web app, mobile app)
• Artificial Intelligence (machine learning, deep learning)