Contact Information
Company name: ICTPEOPLE CO LTD
Company address: 1116 HO 225 GASAN DIGITAL 1-RO GEUMCHEON-GU 08501 SEOUL 11, KOR
Website: http://www.ictpeople.co.kr
Partner Overview
ICTPEOPLE Co., Ltd. is PLM solution provider from consulting/ implementation to maintenance in Korea, and specializes in DS Exalead & Enovia Collaboration brand only. Main business fields are providing software, technical support, education service, engineering consulting service. With a reputation for functional and technical expertise, ICTPEOPLE Co., Ltd. provides engineering support to many companies in Korea. ICTPEOPLE Co.,Ltd. assures successful delivery of PLM solutions and take customer credibility as our main principle.
Partner Highlights
- Reselling, Implementation, and Training
ICTPEOPLE Co., Ltd. will introduce Dassault Systèmes 3DExperience Platform to unexplored industries in Korea and expand new opportunities in the Bigdata Business Services. Our value to new customers is customized implementation by qualified engineers, innovation of a collaborative digital environment, contribution towards long term growth and becoming the Metaverse solution provider by showing results and earning credibility.