Contact Information
Company name: IDECOM SRL
Partner Overview
IDeCOM is an Engineering and Consultancy company born in January 2016 in Italy, specifically in the northern Milan area, and it is actually based in Erba (COMO). The company provides integrated design and management services across different industries. Our core competencies are based on Civil and Structural Engineering disciplines. Currently we operate within the following ares:
Oil&Gas, Chemicals, Pharmaceutical: IDeCOM serves the upstream, downstream and integrated petrochemicals markets. Our expertise includes consulting and design of new capital facilities, refineries, pipelines and offshore facilities, as well as operations retrofit and plant-betterment services.
Power generation and cleaning emissions: IDeCOM designs power plants using a variety of fuel sources, including coal, gas, oil, nuclear, solar and wind. We also have relevant experience in the design of flue gas treatment plants following international regulations.
Buindings: IDeCOM works together with owners, developers and construction companies to deliver high value project of residential, commercial and industial buildings. Desing, construction and simulation are carried following an holistic approach.
Infrastructures: IDeCOM works for Civil Contractors develping high value engineering solutions for aiports, bridges, highways, rails, Metro lines, with relevant experience in the design of earth retaining structures, anchoring, struts and excations in urban environment.
Advanced composite materials: IDeCOM is specialized in the structural application of advanced composite materials as steel fibres reinforced concrete, textile reinforced mortar, resisns, polymers, used for heavy industrial installations and seismic or fire refrofitting.
Marine and offshore: IDeCOM is specialized in offshore and marine engineering. Our expertise includes structural and multidisciplinary design for Offshore platforms, Marine terminals, Port Qays and Jetties and offshore modules.
Partner Highlights
- Reselling, Implementation, and Training
Starting from its creation, IDeCOM is aimed to grow as a fully integrated construction technology firm.
Thanks to the partnership with DS we are able to ensure an improved product delivery in terms of schedule, design issues, safety, prefabrication, delivery time and to implement PLM workflos applied to construction.
DS products allow us to better define parametric models in order to easily manage complex geometries, set up adaptivity rules within disciplines and across teams, updates and synchronize models in real time in order to have a smooth and confident transition to the project execution.
We want to drive a process of change of an industry where organization and management are the key for a succesfull project minimizing errors and wastes of time.