Contact Information
Company name: MATERIALISE
Company address: Technologielaan 15 3001 LEUVEN , BEL
Partner Overview
For more than 30 years, Materialise has taken a lead in providing 3D medical image-based engineering software. Combined with their expertise and experience in both large population-driven as well as patient-specific solutions, Materialise can justly be seen as a reliable partner for companies, hospitals and academic institutions alike. Please visit for more information.
Partner Highlights
• Mimics Innovation Suite: • The Mimics Innovation Suite toolbox allows to import medical data (DICOM) and segment the anatomy to create accurate 3D models. Once the 3D model is prepared for FEA/CFD, it is exported to Abaqus via the *.inp file format. • The Mimics Innovation Suite allows to create a design on top of an anatomy such as an implant or a guide. Once the mesh of the design is optimized, it is exported to Abaqus via the *.inp file format. See Remesh module for more information and a reference to Abaqus:
Complementary Software