ARRK Engineering GmbH

ARRK Engineering specializes in all services related to engineering product development. We are an essential part of the international ARRK Group. Our...

Contact Information


Company address: FRANKFURTER RING 160 80807 MUENCHEN , DEU


Partner Overview

ARRK Engineering specializes in all services related to engineering product development. We are an essential part of the international ARRK Group. Our customers are taking advantage of a one-stop product development process that we implement in collaboration with our affiliated ARRK companies: from engineering services to prototypes and low volume production - you get everything from one source. ARRK brings together highly qualified specialists in order to provide customers with top-notch technical know-how. The evolution of our software THESEUS-FE takes place in close cooperation with our automotive customers, thus guaranteeing a product that precisely serves their needs.

Partner Highlights

THESEUS-FE Oven is a simulation software toolbox to simulate the thermal behavior of the car body during the paint-drying process. The simulation is based on the finite element method and takes into account several heat transfer mechanisms like radiation, convection and contact. The software enables to adjust the simulation to measured temperatures in an automated fitting process.

Customer (crash) models from ABAQUS can be imported easily. After thermal simulation with THESEUS-FE Oven the transient temperature fields can be exported via ODB files to perform a detailed thermal stress analysis with ABAQUS.

To guarantee realistic deformations between metal sheets we provide our customers with a User-Subroutine (UMAT) that allows to model the time- and temperature-dependent curing and viscoelasticity of adhesives in ABAQUS. Within our own lab we support our customers with the determination of material parameters for adhesives.

The combination of all these techniques allows users to optimize process times and ensures high process quality even during the early development phase. Experimental measurements are kept to a minimum and replaced with cost-efficient simulations. Being able to do this well before start-of-production guarantees that potential issues are detected early enough before required changes become too expensive or even impossible.

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