Smart Manufacturing: Three Innovation Enablers to Get Ahead of the Competition

Agility and a data-driven multidisciplinary development process are essential to remain competitive and achieve faster go-to-market products. 

Expectation versus Reality

Consumer expectations are always evolving. They want their products to be technologically complex and innovative, but also easy to use. Most importantly, they want this combination in a package that offers value for money.

“Responding to these rapidly shifting nuances with efficiency and productivity is tough going even in the best of times,” explains Garth Coleman, vice president at ENOVIA, Dassault Systèmes. “You need to be able to focus and pivot around these changes, with everyone being aligned to work as one team towards achieving one goal.”

Getting products to market is more than just being the first across the finish line. It requires manufacturers to rethink how they work because data and multidisciplinary collaboration have become critical to innovation.

Manage Disruptions and Achieve Sustainable Innovation

How fast can a company adapt when faced with unprecedented disruptions? Why do so many companies fail in their attempts to address complexity? Discover innovative ideas in this exclusive interview with Garth Coleman, ENOVIA Advocacy Marketing Vice President at Dassault Systèmes.

The Three Enablers of Innovation

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In reality, many companies fail to address the complexities in their product development process despite having solid plans. It's not enough to merely break down the planning silos. What's more important is to have effective management of all the different disciplines when organizing the data and processes.

"Having a good plan is just one part of the overall process," explains Garth. You must also get everyone on board with the plan. How do you get everybody connected and integrated? Can you be sure that all stakeholders have full visibility of the overall plan? Is everyone on the same page?

Getting ahead of the competition requires a fully integrated product development process that involves three pillars of innovation.


There needs to be a way to analyze and extract value from data and generate analytics that results in actionable and shareable insights.


With contextualization, companies can gain intelligence, increase responsiveness, identify new business opportunities and generate models that inform their business decisions.


On an integrated platform, stakeholders can make decisions and take action within a collaborative workspace. They have complete visibility on the same data and the entire development process.

Collaboration and innovation can now take place in a much more holistic manner. Whether you’re a big company or a startup, you’re no longer bound by restrictions. This means that you’re in a prime position to capture and capitalize on new opportunities.

Garth Coleman, ENOVIA Advocacy Marketing Vice President, Dassault Systèmes , Dassault Systèmes

Garth Coleman

ENOVIA Advocacy Marketing Vice President, Dassault Systèmes

The Three Pillars in Action

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To deliver truly amazing products and experiences, these three pillars of innovation must work together within the whole product development process. With the 3DEXPERIENCE® platform at the heart of this journey, companies now have the opportunity to collaborate in a virtual workspace that enables stakeholders to collaborate throughout the entire product development process.

Imagine being able to expand the parameters of a simulation when designing a virtual model. Instead of being limited by the parameters of a physical product simulation, designers can now bring system behaviors and even real-world customer input into the innovation loop. By involving these parameters at the design stage, design iterations can be made quickly and cost-effectively.

Now that we can expand the simulation parameters, product development doesn't require detailed physical prototype models. Simulation can now be utilized much earlier in the development process to validate concepts, creating a smoother integration between the design and simulation stages — which shortens the production cycle by up to 50%.

By combining a rich knowledge set with high-quality simulation, we can take it one step further and create a full virtual twin of the product. A virtual twin brings real-world data input, such as information from sensors and IIoT devices, into the virtual model to create a digital representation of the real product.

With simulation, you can create a continuous circle of innovation and value creation based on real-world activities. Iteration and experimentation can take place more quickly. Multiple variables can be modified, and the consequences of these changes can be viewed in real time. With the 3DEXPERIENCE® platform, companies can now have the ability to:

Make rapid changes in the product development process

Be agile and quick when production needs to ramp up

Have incredible resiliency when disruptions occur

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