CATIA V5-6R conlleva una mayor excelencia de diseño

Con esta versión, las ventajas de las funcionalidades de la plataforma 3DEXPERIENCE se ponen a disposición en una colaboración transparente con V5-6R.


Las funcionalidades de colaboración mediante las redes sociales, gestión empresarial y creación de paneles de la plataforma 3DEXPERIENCE se pueden emplear para respaldar procesos mediante el conjunto de herramientas V5-6R.

SMARTEAM - CATIA Web Integration (CWI)
To enable organizations to easily manage and collaborate on product information from early in the design phase, by bringing rich, seamlessly integrated Web-based, PDM functionality to CATIA V5 and ENOVIA DMU Navigator users. To allow CATIA users to reduce time to market delivery, to improve quality and to optimize the conception and manufacturing cost
Product Overview
Product Highlights
Product Key Customer Benefits

Product Overview

SMARTEAM CATIA Web Integration (CWI) is a Web-based, intuitive, thin client, product lifecycle collaboration solution to CATIA V5 and ENOVIA DMU Navigator users. Whether within the enterprise inside the corporate LAN, or, dispersed in remote locations across the corporate firewall using a WAN, CWI enables enterprise users and authorized suppliers, working on multiple platforms, to manage CATIA documents from directly within the familiar CATIA environment easily and securely.

Although CATIA runs in a Windows environment, the SMARTEAM CATIA Web Integration takes advantage of the standard web technologies provided by SMARTEAM s Web-based interface, offering comprehensive access to central SMARTEAM database and managed files for individual users and teams working remotely on multiple platforms. CWI enables users to manipulate product data easily in a dynamic and secure environment from any location.

With SMARTEAM - CATIA Web Integration, CATIA users easily access, search, visualize, manipulate, create, store and share designs, reports, analyses and manufacturing information together with other types of documents such as Microsoft Word and Excel files. SMARTEAM CATIA Web Integration dramatically reduces errors and saves time by eliminating the inefficiency of working on outdated designs and the need to re-key data, while ensuring revision accuracy and facilitating substantial design efficiencies.

The SMARTEAM CATIA Web Integration offers most of the functionalities provided by SMARTEAM CATIA Integration. In addition, CWI offers the following advantages for CATIA users:

  • Easy application deployment
  • Access over the web
  • Possibility of switching between databases

SMARTEAM CATIA Web Integration is available through the following options:

  • CATIA Web Team PDM Configuration (TDW) including Foundation (FDN) + Web Editor (EDR) + CATIA Web Integration (CWI)
  • As Shareable on top of SMARTEAM Editor Configuration (SED) (including FDN + EDR), SMARTEAM Engineering Configuration (SEG), SMARTEAM Multi-CAD Engineering Configuration, SMARTEAM Gateway Admin Configuration (SGA), or SMARTEAM Job Server Configuration.

Product Highlights

Brings Collaborative Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) to the CATIA desktop

User Experience
  • Access locally or remotely through standard Internet browsers
  • Manage designs, assembly structures and related documents and dependencies
  • Save valuable search time with intuitive search capabilities
  • Open, edit and revise CATIA V5 documents while keeping track of revision lifecycle
  • Share engineering and office-type documents with other members
  • Work concurrently on multiple disciplines with other engineers
  • View multiple file formats

Powerful Integration
  • Ensures data integrity through automatic bi-directional drawing attribute mapping
  • Provides secure lifecycle management, with data secured in an electronic vault Captures CATIA links ensuring data integrity throughout all available Lifecycle operations
  • Manages all CATIA links for improved decision-making
  • Secures legacy data

Easy Deployment, Administration, Security and Customization
  • Easy server implementation and thin client technology
  • Utilizes standard technologies
  • Adheres to standard Web security in addition to SMARTEAM security mechanisms
  • Web Services firewall friendly implementation
  • Built-in, easy-to-use customization capabilities
  • Multi-lingual Support
  • Section 508 accessibility requirements support
  • 64-bit support

Product Key Customer Benefits

  • Works from within the CATIA V5 & ENOVIA DMU Navigator environment
  • Saves valuable document search time by enabling a quick preview of documents
  • Ensures revision accuracy
  • Eliminates errors and re-keying of data
  • Eliminates inefficient work on outdated designs
  • Enhances design team collaboration
  • Produces substantial design efficiencies
  • Links external participants to the process
  • Friendly GUI, intuitive and easy-to-learn
  • Reduces the learning curve for quick return on investment (ROI)
  • Rapidly implemented and easily customized
  • A simply tailored user interface is readily adjusted to specific user needs
  • Scales up to the entire suite of SMARTEAM products
  • Enables concurrent engineering
  • Enables the knowledge capture of the company Design/Review information.
  • Provides the ability to access objects through quick search (query) on CATIA attributes
  • Provides a quick access to document exposed attributes and its preview

Access locally and remotely through standard Internet browsers
Running on top of the new SMARTEAM Editor web-based user interface, SMARTEAM CATIA Web Integration exploits standard web technologies to provide local and remote company users working on Windows and other platforms with complete product lifecycle collaboration through standard Internet browsers, enabling them to manipulate SMARTEAM product data easily in a dynamic and secure environment from anywhere. Users are able to connect to the SMARTEAM server from standard Internet browsers located in the Local Area Network (LAN), or across the firewall area. SMARTEAM CATIA Web Integration uses standard TCP/IP communication with standard HTTP Port 80.

Manage designs, product structures, related documents and dependencies
Through secure SMARTEAM vaults, users are able to manage complex product hierarchical structures, including component parts, while maintaining dependencies during lifecycle operations. Dependency tracking enables any related files or data to be quickly and easily retrieved within CATIA during lifecycle operations or viewed at any time in the Product Structure Tree, the File Desk (usually called the Data Management Tree DMT) and the Drawing Tree. A document s status icon is displayed in all three of these trees.

Transparent assembly structure management
Product structure is automatically updated in the database, and a full assembly can be saved into the database from batch mode.

  • Automatic detection of native V5 links and of the contextual link.
Insert component: ability to import a CATPart or CATProduct document stored within SMARTEAM
  • Replace component: ability to replace a component by a CATProduct or CATPart stored within SMARTEAM.

Save valuable time with advanced search and retrieval capabilities
SMARTEAM provides accurate and quick access to product knowledge through advanced database and vault search techniques. Pre-defined and personalized queries for parts, drawings, assemblies, catalog, analysis or process documents enable users to retrieve documents that match the search criteria, thus saving time and money. Full Text Search enables users to perform a single word and/or phrase search on metadata stored in the database.

Information related to objects is displayed in a customizable profile card using expandable categories, such as: Details, Notes, Viewer etc. Related objects and other object revisions can be displayed in various formats, such as Top Down and Bottom-Up trees, and can be tailored by the administrator.

Open, edit and revise CATIA V5 documents while keeping track of revision lifecycle
SMARTEAM-secured CATIA files are easily accessible from directly within the CATIA Open dialog box. A dedicated 2D and 3D preview is available - turning search into an even easier operation. Depending on their user, group, and project-based authorization definitions, users can then edit and revise CATIA documents without worrying where they reside on the company network. SMARTEAM CATIA Web Integration manages the files revisions seamlessly in the vault. A log of each design modification is also maintained automatically.

Share engineering and office-type documents with other members
Running on top of the SMARTEAM Editor Web client, data can be shared among users, facilitating projects teams while maintaining information integrity. Reworking of data is minimized, and time to market is reduced.

Work concurrently on multiple disciplines with other engineers
SMARTEAM - CATIA Web Integration facilitates concurrent engineering practices, enabling users to work simultaneously on product design, product optimization, and product manufacturing. While on revision-managed mode, CWI prevents simultaneous editing on the same file. A lifecycle status icon (check-in, check-out, exposed within the DMT), indicates whether an updated version of a part is available to be loaded into the assembly. For history tracking, previous versions are also displayed in dedicated icons. The Check-Out on the fly development enables also to propose the check-out/New-Release at the first modification of a read-only document. Thus it is now easier to open documents in read-only and perform the check-out only when necessary.

View multiple file formats
Users of SMARTEAM CATIA Web Integration enjoy the native 3D and 2D viewing of CATIA data. The embedded viewer enables 3D dynamic rotation, panning, and zooming on any 3D CATIA file, as well as viewing of non-CAD file formats. The overall viewing capability enables users to browse quickly through hundreds of formats, including 3D CAD parts & assemblies, 2D CAD drawings, scanned & raster documents, vector files, Office documents and more, and view them in their native format without accessing the application of origin. The SMARTEAM viewer enables advanced printing of the files of other CAD systems. The SMARTEAM integrated viewer embeds the viewing technologies of Cimmetry Systems, Dassault Systemes 3D PLM, and SolidWorks eDrawings.

Powerful Integration
Integrates with SMARTEAM Editor
SMARTEAM CATIA Web Integration is a shareable product on top of SMARTEAM Editor, which utilizes its Web-based capabilities to provide secure product lifecycle collaboration through the SMARTEAM database from standard Internet browsers.

Share engineering and Office-type documents with other members locally or remotely
Depending on the user, group, and project-based authorization, SMARTEAM CATIA Web Integration provides users with secure local and remote access to SMARTEAM managed files and data.

Ensures data integrity through automatic bi-directional drawing attribute mapping
SMARTEAM automatically maps CATIA model attributes into SMARTEAM database, maintaining data integrity, and facilitating search according to predefined attributes.

Captures and maintains CATIA links ensuring data integrity throughout all Lifecycle operations
SMARTEAM fully supports CATIA Relational Design, by automatically capturing and maintaining native CATIA links, such as product, design table, contextual, is composed of, etc. These links are used during any Lifecycle operation, maintaining data integrity. Users can also apply lifecycle behavior rules to specific link types and attributes, for accurate capturing of the true design intent.
  • Links between drawings and their data are automatically detected and fully maintained. Whenever a drawing is saved or updated, CWI recognizes its links to graphical data. This means one-step access of drawings related to products and vice versa.

Manages CATIA links for improved decision-making
All references of CATIA documents, e.g., parent-child relationship, such as Where Used and Composed of , are maintained in the SMARTEAM database, and viewed from the SMARTEAM Document Manager Tree (DMT) embedded in the Integration. With the ability to view all dependencies immediately, users are empowered with informed decision-making, and are able, for example, to examine the impact of a part change on dependent assemblies. The link semantics allows users to evaluate the level of impact for each modification.

Easy server implementation and thin client technology
The SMARTEAM CATIA Web Integration client is lightweight, has a small footprint and is easy to deploy. The client libraries are available from the SMARTEAM Editor CD. Once connected to the server, additional configuration and downloading of optional components is automatic.

Utilizes standard technologies
Using standard Web browser and Web Services technology, the SMARTEAM CATIA Integration client communicates with the Web Server-based application, which can run on various versions of Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) to support multi-platforms.

Technologies such as Microsoft ASP.NET, XML, SOAP Web Services, iXF, and COM+ are used to process client requests and Web Server responses, and to communicate with the back-end SMARTEAM database Server and the Vault Server.

Adheres to standard Web security in addition to SMARTEAM security mechanisms
Summary level
File and metadata read/write privileges are granted or denied depending on the user s personal, group and role-in-project authorization definitions. Files accessed by the Web client through the Web Server are stored and secured by the Vault Server. In addition, communication between the Web browser and Web Server can be encrypted and transmitted over HTTPS. The Web Server may be placed behind a Firewall to serve as a gateway to the SMARTEAM data. VPN (virtual private network) connectivity between the Web Server and other SMARTEAM Servers, and the LDAP server support, provide an additional security level. All of these mechanisms ensure maximum security for valuable SMARTEAM managed database and files.

More lengthy description
Security is maintained via the SMARTEAM Foundation prerequisite product. In this manner, data is stored in a secure location, using a vault security level selected by the Administrator. In a high security configuration, information can only be accessed through the vault utility. Authorization settings determine the security levels for all users, on a user, group and project-based level, granting appropriate permissions.
A flexible database structure is easily tailored through the use of a wizard. The database can be easily defined and altered, and its data remains unchanged during the altering process.

The Vault Server stores and secures all files accessed by the web client through the Web Server. In addition, communication between the web browser and Web Server can be encrypted and transmitted over HTTPS (encrypted communication protocol). The Web Server may be placed behind a firewall, to serve as a gateway to the SMARTEAM data. VPN (virtual private network) connectivity between the Web Server and other SMARTEAM servers, provided with the SMARTEAM Foundation product, and the LDAP server support provides an additional level of security. All these mechanisms ensure maximum security for valuable SMARTEAM managed database and files.

More information on the LDAP support
SMARTEAM web-based client application supports the authentication of users against an LDAP server (Windows Active Directory, IBM Directory Server), in addition to the support of other Web security standards. LDAP support allows for centralized administration in organizations with numerous users and systems and provides an organization with a higher and better-managed level of security.

Web Services firewall-friendly implementation
TDW supports firewall friendly deployment using TCP/IP Port 80 (HTTP), with identical features set and architecture for both internal and external users.

Built-in, easy-to-use customization capabilities
Based on SMARTEAM's Visual Components technology, TDW provides complete flexibility in customizing the look and feel and behavior of the application, according to organizational preferences, business rules and end-user scenarios. The customization can be achieved through tailoring of profile cards, menu options, user-defined tools, flexible class dependent views to client-side and server-side programming hooks defined by the administrator.

Multi-lingual support - Full NLS support
TDW provides out-of-the-box support for English, German, French, and Japanese, with complete language translation at the database, error message, and help file documentation levels.

64-bit support
SMARTEAM CATIA Web Integration works in a full 64-bit mode (CATIA 64-bit mode on 64-bit operating systems). This compatibility empowers users with extended memory, supporting the management of rational design, especially in large assemblies.