CATIA V5-6R conlleva una mayor excelencia de diseño

Con esta versión, las ventajas de las funcionalidades de la plataforma 3DEXPERIENCE se ponen a disposición en una colaboración transparente con V5-6R.


Las funcionalidades de colaboración mediante las redes sociales, gestión empresarial y creación de paneles de la plataforma 3DEXPERIENCE se pueden emplear para respaldar procesos mediante el conjunto de herramientas V5-6R.

CATIA - Freestyle Sketch Tracer 1 (FSK)
Allow the integration of stylists' work (such as 2D painting) into a 3D format, as the basis for 3D virtual mock-ups.
Product Overview
Product Highlights
Product Key Customer Benefits

Product Overview

CATIA - Freestyle Sketch Tracer 1 (FSK) allows the integration of stylists' work (such as 2D painting) into a 3D format, as the basis for 3D virtual mock-up. This product provides an intuitive toolbox for helping the user to convert 2D data into 3D data: the user will first position and scale the image in 3D, then use Shape Design & Styling products to draw the geometry over the sketches.

Product Highlights

  • From sketch to free form model Improved productivity
  • Allows 3D sketch positioning and trimming support with point translator
  • Provides scale and stretch adjustment capability allowing the fitting between the sketch and the 3D model
  • Allows a quick view orientation based on the point of view of the sketch
  • Supports many image formats
  • Is fully integrated with Version 5 products such as Shape Design, Drafting, Part & Assembly design products to address hybrid modeling requirements
  • Provides an ease-to-use and highly productive user interface for intuitive and dynamic mouse-based surface manipulations

Product Key Customer Benefits

Improved productivity... CATIA - Freestyle Sketch Tracer 1 (FSK) improves users sketching productivity allowing them to define rapidly a set of sketch views by using simple copy-paste.

Painting positioning

  • Dynamic axis positioning
  • Snap support
  • Flip orientation
  • Zoom and translation support

Scale and stretch adjustment allowing the fitting between the sketch and the 3D model 3D sketch

Sketch trimming support The user define the zone of the sketch that will be used to build the geometry.

Quick view orientations based on sketch point of view. The coincidence between the sketch and the geometry is respected whatever the zoom and the translation values even if we are in a perspective view

Fully integrated with Version 5 products such as Shape Design, Freestyle, Drafting, Part & Assembly design products to address hybrid modelling requirements:

  • Design of hybrid parts involving combinations of mechanical features and free form shapes
  • Design of free form shapes in the context of an environment composed of mechanical parts
  • Fully integrated with the CATIA V5 Freestyle products, like Freestyle Shaper, for designing shapes in the context of the digital mock-up
  • Drafting generation of freeform shapes

Ease to use highly productive user interface for intuitive and dynamic mouse-based surface manipulations

  • Dynamic user interface including fast mouse-based 3D graphical manipulations
  • Very fast, keyboard free, sketch-like surface creation and manipulation allowing designers to unleash their creativity while sculpting shapes
  • Fully integrated Compass allowing a time-saving for elements positioning and manipulators orientation

Intuitive customizable Windows native User Interface for short training cycles

  • Icon based, flexible and scalable approach, from beginners & casual users using pull down menus and panels, to advanced users using contextual menus, keyboard shortcuts
  • Full support of Windows user interface standards such as pull down menus, messaging, on-line help, select-action approach, multi-windowing, icon docking reorganization.
  • Contextual HTML documentation browser Alternative identical Native NT and UNIX Motif versions for common user environment in mixed networks offering flexibility of choice

Unified PLM File Selection Box. Leverage File Selection Box by delivering full PLM access method in a unique graphical user interface (GUI). Maximize unification of ... documents input within PLM V5 Solutions. (V5R14)