CATIA V5-6R conlleva una mayor excelencia de diseño

Con esta versión, las ventajas de las funcionalidades de la plataforma 3DEXPERIENCE se ponen a disposición en una colaboración transparente con V5-6R.


Las funcionalidades de colaboración mediante las redes sociales, gestión empresarial y creación de paneles de la plataforma 3DEXPERIENCE se pueden emplear para respaldar procesos mediante el conjunto de herramientas V5-6R.

DELMIA - Order Planning (OPG)

The DELMIA Order Planning product provides a way to manage process plans used by the Operations Execution product. Order Planning also includes numerous tools supporting process flow business rules and system resources. To make sure that a process plan is designed properly for the end users, process planners are able to work in a user interface that has a similar look and feel to Operations Execution.

Product Overview
Product Highlights
Product Key Customer Benefits

Product Overview

DELMIA Order Planning quickly assembles all data necessary into planning templates or authoritative process documentation to be executed in a paperless environment. These templates include all supported objects such as work instructions, graphics, buyoffs, bill of materials and tooling. The module utilizes process libraries for the capture and re-use of best practices to minimize effort in authoring and maintaining templates.

Product Highlights

Process Plan Management
Process planners are able to create and manage process plans that can be used to create shop orders and disposition plans in the Operations Execution product. Process planners can create unique manufacturing process flows, manage shop floor resources used by the process plans, and are provided tools to manage the business rules to be applied to each element of the process flow.
Value: Provides an easy-to-use planning solution when it is important to provide users access to pre-defined process plans that can be used to create shop orders or used to support EPM disposition planning.

Shop Order Resource Management
DELMIA Order Planning includes a tool kit of applications needed to support the resources that are used in the design of process plans and shop orders. They are:

  • Buyoff Management
  • Alert Management
  • Work Center Management
  • Document Management
  • Tooling Management
  • Data Collection Planning
  • User Management
  • Labor Data Management

Value: From a single web application, enables Velocity process planners to be in control of the resources that are assigned to process execution tasks.

Shop Order Business Rules Management
DELMIA Order Planning includes tools to establish and control configurable business rules and permissions for each unique process execution object.
Value: Prevents rework and quality defects due to failure of process execution users to perform required tasks, obtain required approvals, or collect required data.

Unit Management
Complex manufactured end item products such as an airplane are extremely difficult and time consuming to get out the door and into the hands of the customer. The aircraft must be certified for airworthiness, and the customer needs an opportunity to accept the product even if a few minor issues are not yet resolved. The Operations Execution and EPM products provide a way to monitor and manage planned and emergent issues associated to each end item unit.
Another key unit management feature is the ability to lock a unit from accepting new shop orders or nonconformance documents in order to facilitate certification processes that require that the product is in a known state during the certification process. Example: Airworthiness Certification
Value: Significantly reduces time and effort to manage events associated to the current state of the final product. Unit management creates a lean process resulting in significant customer ROI and decreases the time it takes to get paid for the final product.

Product Key Customer Benefits


  • Pure web based technology lowering IT support costs
  • Easily integrates with legacy systems such as: ERP, PLM, Time Tracking, etc. resulting in increased efficiencies relative to data exchange and reporting
  • Supports high volume transactions via scalable web farm support
  • Low integration costs due to full XML input/output API’s

Operational Benefits

  • Web based planning provides access to process planning from any computer
  • Eliminates need for middleware to connect process planning to process execution
  • Provides the ability to create and manage process plans used to create Velocity shop orders and EPM disposition plans
  • Full management control of process execution resources such as buyoffs, documents, alerts, data collection, and more
  • Tools provided to establish configurable business rules and user permissions resulting in procedural enforcement
  • Audit log tracking assures full process plan data traceability
  • Configurable screen layouts for process execution tasks
  • Assures users work to accurate and up to date documents and machine programs
  • Reduces cost and time to get complex assembled products into the customer’s hands. (Unit Management)