Procedural Enforcement Operations Execution assures work is performed in the correct order, mandates that the required data is collected, and requires specific user functions are performed by only qualified individuals. Business rule administration is provided via out-of-the-box configuration options versus costly customization services. Value: Prevents rework and quality defects due to failure to perform required tasks, failures to obtain required approvals, or failures to collect required data. This also assures successful customer audits.
Zero to 3D Interactive Work Instructions Interactive work instructions perform two key functions: One is to provide the worker with just the right information they need to perform their job, and the second is to make it easy for them to record data and events as fast as possible. Task instructions may based upon a combination of zero to 3D (Text, Graphic, and 3D Models). The interactive portion of work instructions supports part tracking, data collection, employee labor tracking, user authentications (buyoffs), notes, task status updates, and much more. Value: Increases shop floor worker efficiency by providing them with accurate and always up to date information in an easy to read format. Shop floor workers are able to minimize the time it takes to access and record critical information, thereby allotting more time towards building product.
Real Time Work-In-Process Management Where are we on this job? What is the status of work in a certain area? Are there process bottlenecks and where are they? What are they? Who is working on what? The list goes on and on. Managers need up to date information to determine how to best manage their time and optimize resources. Operations Execution provides numerous options enabling managers to not only see what is going on, but they are also able to take action affecting the entire site from their desktop computer. Value: Better decisions with the least amount of effort, at the lowest cost, in the least amount of time.
Combined Planned and Emergent Process Work Flows When Operations Execution is combined with Emergent Process Management, users are able to record data for non-planned events such as nonconformance reports, corrective action requests, planning change requests and so on. The non-planned event documents, also known as Emergent Process Documents or EPDs, guide the user through the data collection process which is dictated by the data itself. More importantly, issues found during the manufacturing process can be resolved and the work flow can be modified using built in disposition process planning features that allow qualified individuals to modify existing shop orders or create new shop orders to resolve the problem. Value: Instead of using disparate systems, one for quality and one for manufacturing, a single system can be used to manage unplanned events.
Predictive Analytics When Operations Execution is combined with Process Rules Discovery and Operations Advisor, complex manufacturing process flows are able to predict and warn of problems before they occur. Data collected in Operations Execution is linked to rules established in PRD. Operations Advisor can be embedded into PE work instructions to warn of potential problems based on data collected prior to that point. Value: Provides the ability to react in real time to future problems based upon historical data.
Document Management & Machine Communications Operations Execution document management features assure that Operations Execution users are always working to the current approved version of any kind of document. In the case of machine programs, documents in the form of a machine program can be downloaded to machines, assuring that the machine is operating as designed for the process the user is working on. Value: Reduces time searching for documents and eliminates rework due to the use of an incorrect version of a document.
Shop Order Management DELMIA - Order Planning provides companies a way to modify existing shop orders or manually create new shop orders. While this capability also resides within the Emergent Process Management (OPM) product, it is desirable to be able to react quickly to unplanned events without having to always require that corrective action is limited to the OPM process. Value: Results in the least amount of effort and time to respond to non-planned events affecting issues found on the shop floor.
Shop Order Resource Management DELMIA - Order Planning includes a tool kit of applications needed to support the resources that are used in the design of process plans and shop orders. They are:
- Buyoff Management
- Alert Management
- Work Center Management
- Document Management
- Tooling Management
- Data Collection Planning
- User Management
- Labor Data Management
Value: From a single web application, enables Velocity process planners to be in control of the resources that are assigned to process execution tasks.
Shop Order Business Rules Management DELMIA - Order Planning includes tools to establish and control configurable business rules and permissions for each unique process execution object. Value: Prevents rework and quality defects due to failure of process execution users to perform required tasks, obtain required approvals, or collect required data.
Unit Management Complex manufactured end item products such as an airplane are extremely difficult and time consuming to get out the door and into the hands of the customer. The aircraft must be certified for airworthiness, and the customer needs an opportunity to accept the product even if a few minor issues are not yet resolved. Operations Execution and Emergent Process Management products provide a way to monitor and manage planned and emergent issues associated to each end item unit. Another key unit management feature is the ability to lock a unit from accepting new shop orders or nonconformance documents in order to facilitate certification processes that require that the product is in a known state during the certification process. Example: Airworthiness Certification Value: Significantly reduces time and effort to manage events associated to the current state of the final product. Unit management creates a lean process resulting in significant customer ROI and decreases the time it takes to get paid for the final product. |