CATIA V5-6R conlleva una mayor excelencia de diseño

Con esta versión, las ventajas de las funcionalidades de la plataforma 3DEXPERIENCE se ponen a disposición en una colaboración transparente con V5-6R.


Las funcionalidades de colaboración mediante las redes sociales, gestión empresarial y creación de paneles de la plataforma 3DEXPERIENCE se pueden emplear para respaldar procesos mediante el conjunto de herramientas V5-6R.

DELMIA DPM Work Instructions 1 (WI1)
DELMIA DPM Work Instructions provides work instructions authoring capabilities that can be documented onto an Excel file.
Product Overview
Product Highlights
Product Key Customer Benefits

Product Overview

DELMIA DPM Work Instructions provides an ability to create some work instructions authored in the form of Text activities, and then document these work instructions on to an Excel file with images embedded in the Excel sheets for process in the Assembly. User can alo author some visual aids like Viewpoint activities, visibility activities aiding his/her work instruction capability and when user tries to generate Excel documentation for this CATProcess document, the software will generate an Excel file that contains images of the product at each activity based on the viewpoints and visibility activities created.

User can also choose to define his/her own Excel template format and map each cell in the Excel file to the attribute of interest using Excel options. (Data --> XML). The Excel file generated will respect the mapping done by the user in the template

Upon generating the excel file, separate tab sheets will be generated in this Excel file for each of the operations in the Assembly process and then the work instructions text, along with the snap shot images of the product build up will be embedded in the excel file. After the excel file is generated, user can then do some after the fact modification (like enlarging the image, adding some additional markups, pictures, etc) in the excel file

Once there has been a change in 'Design', then these Excel files can be updated to include the changes made by the Design engineer. The software will make changes only as applicable and retains any modifications done by the user

Note that this capability exists only for process documents loaded from flat file system and does not apply for process documents coming from Manufacturing Hub.

Product Highlights

DELMIA DPM Work Instructions:

  • Creates textual work instructions & Choreographic activites
  • Reduces erroneous work instructions, ambiguity, incorrect drawings
  • Generates Excel documentation of Work Instructions
  • Modifications upon change in design

  • Creates textual work instructions
Creates textual work instructions from standard work instruction text libraries and built-in knowledge from upstream authoring tools (CAD, Simulation, etc). The textual work instructions can be created by just adding some textual strings on to a Text Activity. User can also add some activities like Viewpoint, visibility, Annotation activity, etc to the work instructions

  • Reduces erroneous work instructions, ambiguity, incorrect drawings
Reduces erroneous work instructions, ambiguity, incorrect drawings.Reduces engineering change orders and/or non-conformances on the shop floor due to erroneous work instructions, ambiguity, and wrong drawings since the work instructions are based directly on the engineering and manufacturing data residing in the single, integrated PPR database managed with a consistent configuration and effectivity.

  • Generate Excel documentation of Work Instructions
User can generate Excel documentation of the work instruction activities that has been created. The excel documentation contains the actual text as well as the images of the product build up as a given product is being assembled in a given operation
Modifications upon change in design
If the design of one of the products have changed, then user can update the excel document, still retaining any after the fact changes that has been made

Product Key Customer Benefits

  • Adds resolution to existing process plans
Work Instruction authors can create work instructions directly in the process tree, thus ensuring that as the process changes, the work instructions can be updated as required.

  • Easy to use capability for the author and shop floor user
Work Instruction authors can easily create work instructions and document them in Excel documents. These excel documents can then be printed out and handed to the shop floor users. Hence the solution is very easy to use
  • Easy update for Design change
As the work instructions are created directly in the process tree, all changes to the process and product will be reflected directly in the work instructions. Work instruction authors can leverage all previous engineering data into the work instructions and also can modify the Excel documents with ease whenever there is a change in design