Product Key Customer Benefits |
A Light Representation With External Shape Maintained The Silhouette function allows users to select a part or an assembly and to compute a representation that only keeps the external facets of the part. The resulting file is significantly smaller than the original, and yet maintains the same accuracy when interacting with other parts. For design review purposes, the outer aspect of the part is identical to the original one. The user can activate the silhouette when performing design review with the other DMU products and thereby work faster using a lighter part. Simplified External Representation For Sensitive Data The Wrapping function allows users to select a part or a set of parts and wrap it by applying an additional tessellation. This generates a very light external envelope of the selected part (a unique volume-typed solid), for situations where the outer aspect need not be identical to the original one. Thanks to this functionality, the user can roughly reserve room for a component not completely designed yet. The user can protect confidential information by replacing accurate parts with a simplified representation when sending information to partners. Additionally this feature can be used to drastically reduce the size of an assembly for improved productivity when reviewing a mock-up. The level of tessellation is selectable enabling the user to manage file size against precision of the wrapped representation. Mesh simplification for light representations The mesh simplification function allows users to select a part or an assembly and simplify it through an additional tessellation in order to generate a light external envelope of the part or assembly. The resulting envelope is a unique volume. Thanks to this simplification functionality, users can easily manage the file size against the precision of the representation and thus drastically reduce the size of their assemblies. The user can directly access this command from the silhouette and wrapping command to obtain the lightest part representation desired. By providing instantaneous simplification, it allows to avoid intermediary storage of wrapping or silhouette results. In addition, it provides a powerful help to wrapping in order to obtain an ultra light alternate representation. Conversion of surfaces into volumes for realistic DMU analysis The Thickness function allows the user to create a volume typed representation of a selected surface- typed part. User-controlled offsets are applied on both faces of the original 2D surface. This function is particularly useful in industries where the design is created using surfaces and the user needs volumes to perform real-world analyses such as interference or clash detection or measurements, such as volume or inertia, on the digital mockup. Offset Addition To a Selected Set of Shapes This Offset function allows the user to add an offset to a selected set of shapes in order to add a security margin around them. Users can define the offset values separately on 3 axes allowing a good offset volume result, and change them manually or automatically. Swept Volume Generation of a Moving Part for Space Reservation DMU Optimizer 2 generates the swept volume of a moving part using a simulation defined by the user. This function allows the user to perform space reservation early in the process of assembly design. The number of pre-defined positions stored in the simulation can be reduced according to a controlled decrease of the final computation accuracy. This leads to a quicker computation and a lighter swept volume. Vibration volume for accurate space reservation and collision detection The vibration volume command generates the dynamic envelope surrounding the different positions engendered by the vibration of a part or a group of parts to ensure accurate space reservation and collision detection Visualization of the free space in the assembly The Free Space function allows visualizing the free space, represented by a solid, in the assembly to facilitate further design and analysis. Management of the different representations for productive DMU review and analysis The generated shapes can be saved as a cgr file or a CATIA V4 model. They can also be saved in ENOVIAVPM or exported as VRML files.The resulting file can be automatically associated to the original shape in the Product structure. Depending on his needs, the user can perform usual DMU review and analysis, either on the original shape or on one of its computed representations.The settings of DMU representations management are provided for administrator and users. |
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