CATIA V5-6R conlleva una mayor excelencia de diseño

Con esta versión, las ventajas de las funcionalidades de la plataforma 3DEXPERIENCE se ponen a disposición en una colaboración transparente con V5-6R.


Las funcionalidades de colaboración mediante las redes sociales, gestión empresarial y creación de paneles de la plataforma 3DEXPERIENCE se pueden emplear para respaldar procesos mediante el conjunto de herramientas V5-6R.

ENOVIA - Program Management (PGT)
To provide functions that participate in program management such as object life cycle modeling and program milestone management.
Product Overview
Product Highlights
Product Key Customer Benefits

Product Overview

ENOVIA Program Management (PGT) is designed for managers and administrators responsible for overseeing several programs that might be under development within an organization.

The program editor application is provided for defining programs and the milestones within each program. Program milestones, which are usually associated with specific dates or product unit numbers, can be used to configure a product. This practice minimizes the impact of program shifts on the product development process.

Another application, the life cycle editor is provided for defining an object's life cycle. A life cycle specifies what needs to be done to successfully mature the object to its desired final state. As the object matures, the gates between the life cycle phases can be used to initiate an approval process or data integration process.

Product Highlights

  • Ability to model the life cycle of all ENOVIA objects
  • Ability to initiate approval or data integration processes at the gates between lifecycle phases contributing to enhanced business process modeling
  • Ability for program managers to use program milestones to configure products in order to minimize the impact of program shifts on the product development process

Product Key Customer Benefits

  • Manage several programs simultaneously
Implement program-specific rules to various aspects of product development to avoid ambiguity and error, considering that development activities might be shared between many entities (supplies, contractors, etc). The ability to customize a product life cycle contributes to better program management. For instance, the development cycle for prototypes is usually shorter than the cycle for products already in production.

  • Manage program shifts with ease
Use program milestones to configure products to minimize any complexity associated with program dynamics. Program milestones can be defined to represent dates or product units. For instance, a program can be defined to contain 3 milestones (design, testing, manufacturing) where each milestone represents a set of dates (design=01/01/02 - 12/31/02, testing=01/01/03-06/01/03, manufacturing=06/02/~ ). The milestones' values (actual dates and product units) can be changed easily during a program shift without impacting any of the effectivities that have been applied on parts and assemblies in a product structure.

  • Separate object life cycle from task-oriented workflow definitions
This separation is necessary for satisfying a wide array of corporate change processes and maturity modeling requirements. A life cycle specifies WHAT should be done to successfully mature an object (part, document, etc.) to its final stage. It should be separated from workflow and other task management applications that specify HOW the work is to be done even though their usage is usually integrated within a business process. For instance, completion of a engineering change release workflow usually dictates a change in status of the object (part, product, etc.) to "release".