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DELMIA Robotics Path Planner (RPP)
Robotics Path Planner, RPP , provides tools for automatically computing collision-free and optimized trajectories for industrial robots.
Product Overview
Product Highlights
Product Key Customer Benefits

Product Overview

Robotics Path Planner provides a highly-efficient command for automatic collision-free path planning to facilitate robotic feasibility studies and off-line programming. The user gains time twice: due to fast automated computations the trajectory is easily and quickly defined and thanks to its optimized resulting trajectory, the robot task execution is improved.

Forecasting interference and accessibility issues in a complex manufacturing robot workcell during the early stages of robot off-line programming and task definition will prevent the project from costly bottlenecks later and reduce the risk of damage. Virtual commissioning benefits from RPP automated collision-free trajectory generation.

Searching and validating trajectories is becoming increasingly time-consuming. WSU Device Task Definition's easy-to-use, automatic collision-free trajectory planning saves time in all stages from simulation to execution.

Cycle times are minimized by RPP by optimizing automatically new trajectories calculated to fit exactly each new project. Path of the tool center point frame for linear motion, or path in the configuration space for joint motion, is minimized with better cycle times than can be achieved by other methods.

By applying RPP to DELMIA robot task motion activity, RPP creates collision-free and optimized DELMIA motion activity.

Product Highlights

Automatic correction of robot tasks
Robotics Path Planner automatically transforms a robot task, updating a motion activity with potential collisions between the robot and its environment into a collision-free trajectory.

Fast update of computed task upon robot and environment change
When the robot and its environment needs to be modified and updated the previously defined task can be automatically recomputed providing a fast versioning check and task update.

Path Optimization
Once a trajectory is computed, it can be optimized to reduce the robot cycle time. The non-trivial task of robot configuration space optimization is achieved automatically by RPP. The resulting joint motion interpolation yields a faster motion and a lower risk of singularity.

Path Quality
Control of the quality of path:
  • Continuously collision-free along the path,
  • Dynamic penetration check,
  • User-defined threshold for clearance zone around the obstacles

Swept volume
When studying the accessibility of a component of an assembly or of a welding point, once a collision-free path has been found, the swept volume computation of Device Task Definition will help preserve a reach corridor that is free from any intrusive environment.

Usually finding a collision free path for a robot, with the lowest cycle times, in a cluttered environment, may last tens of hours. RPP turns tens of hours into minutes.

Product Key Customer Benefits

  • Automatic and fast computation of robot trajectories speeds up assembly and spot-welding planning
  • Fast update of computed task allows manufacturing and process flexibility by eliminating time overhead upon revision
  • Trajectory optimization shortens robot cycle times
  • Increased productivity of manufacturing engineering
  • Shortened overall time to market of the manufactured products