Abaqus Performance Data

The Abaqus benchmark problems are intended to provide an estimate of the performance that can be expected when running representative Abaqus analysis jobs on different computer platforms. The different Abaqus products and different types of Abaqus analyses are appropriate for different classes of machines and stress machines differently. The benchmarks are organized with the intention of making it possible for users to view the subset of the benchmark data appropriate to their usage of Abaqus.

The benchmark problems listed here are available upon request. If you are a customer, see the Abaqus Performance Benchmarks article for instructions on obtaining the input files associated with these benchmark problems. If you are a hardware vendor and would like to submit performance data please contact simulia.performance-benchmarks(at)3ds.com.

NOTE: The Abaqus benchmark problems may change between releases. Therefore the timing data presented on these pages should not be directly compared with benchmark data obtained using other Abaqus releases.

All times are given in seconds and include the time required for the main analysis executables (standard.exe and explicit.exe), the analysis input file processor (pre.exe), and the Abaqus/Explicit packager (package.exe).


Organization of the Benchmarks

The Abaqus benchmark suite is designed with the intent of providing users of Abaqus information about how Abaqus will perform on various hardware platforms available on the market. As different Abaqus jobs will stress the hardware in different ways, providing a benchmark suite that is both comprehensive and relatively easy to understand is a challenging task. In order to make good use of the data on this page, users should be careful to understand how the benchmarks are organized and to use data that is representative of their problems.

There are two basic variables a user needs to consider when looking at benchmarks. The first is the type of Abaqus job. Different Abaqus jobs stress hardware in different ways. A user running eigenvalue analyses with Abaqus/Standard will want to focus on different aspects of a hardware purchase than a user running an electronics drop test with Abaqus/Explicit. The second variable a user must consider is the type of hardware being considered. In the following section the basic categories of Abaqus job and hardware used in presenting benchmark data are described.

Hardware categories

Hardware Categories

Workstation: The first hardware category is workstations. Typically workstations are single machines with at least 4 cores and 16GB of memory. Workstations are typically used for running jobs that do not run for a very long time (over night being the maximum). In a typical workstation configuration a user is likely to be doing interactive tasks, while the Abaqus job runs in the background.

Compute Server: The second hardware category is compute servers. Computer servers are machines that are dedicated to computing long-running or large Abaqus jobs as efficiently as possible. In past years compute servers were large shared memory (SMP) machines that were typically shared between many users. More common today are distributed memory (DMP) compute clusters, where each compute node can function independently or work together to solve a large problem. Compute clusters typically feature a high-speed private network which connects the nodes and a batch scheduler to manage the compute tasks.

Abaqus Job Categories
Benchmark Data

Presentation of Benchmark Data

Workstation Benchmarks: The workstation benchmarks consist of the smaller Abaqus jobs. These are executed on relatively low numbers of cores. Since workstations are generally purchased with an eye towards general use, no distinction is made between Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/Explicit execution.

Abaqus/Standard Server Benchmarks: The Abaqus/Standard server benchmarks feature the larger nonlinear Abaqus/Standard jobs. The focus here is on execution of medium to large sized jobs running on compute servers. In the case of clusters or smaller SMP machines, the assumption is made that a single host will be dedicated to running a single Abaqus job. For large SMP machines where multiple Abaqus jobs may be executed on a single host, times are given both for a single job running on the machine (sequential execution) and the throughput situation when multiple jobs are run simultaneously (simultaneous execution).

Abaqus/Explicit Server Benchmarks: The Abaqus/Standard server benchmarks feature longer running Abaqus Explicit jobs. As with Abaqus/Standard, the assumption is made that on clusters and smaller SMP machines, a single machine will be dedicated to a single Abaqus job. For larger SMP machines both sequential and throughput times are given.

Abaqus/Standard Linear Benchmarks: The Abaqus/Standard linear benchmarks focus on eigensolutions using the Lanczos and AMS eigensolvers.

Benchmark Problem Description

Abaqus/Standard Benchmark Problems

Click the links below to expand the Abaqus/Standard problem descriptions below which provide an estimate of the performance that can be expected when running Abaqus/Standard on different computers. The jobs are representative of typical Abaqus/Standard applications including linear statics, nonlinear statics, and natural frequency extraction.

Abaqus/Explicit Benchmark Problems

Click the links below to expand the Abaqus/Explicit problem descriptions below which provide an estimate of the performance that can be expected when running Abaqus/Explicit on different computers. The jobs are representative of typical Abaqus/Explicit applications including high-speed dynamic impact events and quasi-static events with complicated contact conditions. The number of increments listed in the tables below are approximate and can vary somewhat depending on the hardware platform and the number of parallel domains.

Linear Benchmark Data

Workstation Benchmark Data

Server Benchmark Data

Abaqus/Explicit Server Benchmark Data

Abaqus/Standard Server Benchmark Data