Ep: 6 How Do You Assess Your Corporate Maturity Level?

Continue the discussion on the 4-step maturity transformation model for operations on how to assess your corporate maturity level. 

Global operations on the go podcast

Determine your achievement level in notes 2 continued

The Transformation Journey Research Note Series™ will help you understand:

  • The critical importance of Transformation and the current types of Transformation that are being deployed
  • The core components of Transformation and why manufacturing must be a central part of your journey
  • The key steps of the Transformation Journey and how to identify where you are in the process and how to move forward 
  • How you can accelerate your journey and the kind of technologies you will need along the way  

Download Notes #2 of the Transformation Journey: https://discover.3ds.com/transformation-journey-research-series-note-2


Meet our speaker


Frederique Bourdoulous

DELMIA WW Consulting Industry Process

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