CATIA V5-6R으로 보다 우수한 설계 실현

이 릴리즈에서는 V5-6R과의 긴밀한 협업을 통해 3DEXPERIENCE 플랫폼 기능의 이점을 활용할 수 있습니다.


3DEXPERIENCE 플랫폼의 소셜 협업, 엔터프라이즈 관리 및 대시보드 기능은 V5-6R 도구 모음을 사용하는 프로세스를 지원하는 데 사용할 수 있습니다.

DELMIA Robotics OLP 2 (OLP)
Create an add-on product for Robot Task Simulation that allows users to create off-line programs for robotics.
Product Overview
Product Highlights
Product Key Customer Benefits

Product Overview

DELMIA OLP is a robotic solution for offline programming of complex, multi-device robotic resources. OLP delivers unprecedented reductions in man-hours and process engineering lead time.

All necessary operations related to teaching a robot are enclosed in one single online pendant. Robot programmers who are familiar with robot teaching in the real shop environment can easily learn to teach in the simulation and make fewer mistakes due to the familiarity of the completely integrated teach pendant.

OLP's line of off-line programming and post-processing tools allow users to accurately program robotic systems off-line, thus minimizing the impact of robot programming on production schedules.

Calibration tools let users adjust the simulation model to accurately reflect real world device relationships while the interface enables programmers to easily modify robot devices to gain accurate robot motion. Users download the optimized simulation programs using Off-line's post-processors. Off-line's open architecture allows customers to write their own postprocessor using Java, XSLT (Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations), Visual Basic, etc.

Product Highlights

Robotics OLP offers the following functions:
  • Provides single, integrated, online Robot Teach Pendant
  • Allows off-line programming of robot resources
  • Provides robot resource calibration tools

DELMIA Robotics Off-line uploads and downloads robot tasks.

DELMIA Robotics Off-line calibration tools allow the programmer to ensure the motions of the robot in the simulation world accurately match the motions of the robot in the real world.

Product Key Customer Benefits

Provides single, integrated, online Robot Teach Pendant
All necessary operations related to teaching a robot are enclosed in one single online pendant. Robot programmers who are familiar with robot teaching in the real shop environment can easily learn to teach in the simulation and make fewer mistakes due to the familiarity of the completely integrated teach pendant.

The completely V5 integrated teach-pendant like customized GUI provides:
  • Program window to edit and display program statements in robot-native languages
  • Instruction buttons
  • Upload and downloading functionality
  • Real-time associativity with robots in the simulation system

The new functions allow Native Robot Language (NRL) teaching and provides automatic updates between mapped DELMIA entities and NRL entities.

Allows off-line programming of robot resources.
DELMIA Robotics Off-line allows simulation engineers to create a robot simulation in V5 and download the resulting robot program to a robot on the shop floor. This results in reductions in man-hours and simulation engineering lead time thus minimizing the impact of robot programming on production schedules.

Simulation Calibration
DELMIA Robotics Off-line calibration tools allow the programmer to ensure the motions of the robot in the simulation world accurately match the motions of the robot in the real world providing a more accurate simulation and resulting program.

OLP 2 is an add-on for Robot Task Simulation. It requires DOM and WSU.