CATIA V5-6R으로 보다 우수한 설계 실현

이 릴리즈에서는 V5-6R과의 긴밀한 협업을 통해 3DEXPERIENCE 플랫폼 기능의 이점을 활용할 수 있습니다.


3DEXPERIENCE 플랫폼의 소셜 협업, 엔터프라이즈 관리 및 대시보드 기능은 V5-6R 도구 모음을 사용하는 프로세스를 지원하는 데 사용할 수 있습니다.

ENOVIA - Product Interference Management (PIM)
To provide a fully automated interference management system that is interoperable with the CATIA clash analysis application.
Product Overview
Product Highlights
Product Key Customer Benefits

Product Overview

ENOVIA Product Interference Management (PIM) provides support for concurrent part design by using incremental interference analysis as an advanced project management tool. It allows supervisors and designers to automatically record and update the results of successive clash analysis entirely from ENOVIA VPLM.

Based on the recorded clash results, supervisors can dispatch corrective Actions defining precise, clash-based product changes, to a designer who can immediately focus on the offending parts and resolve the clash.

Batch clash analysis can be set up to run every night or as part of a business process (e.g. before engineering change release) saving hundreds of manual hours for the company. This product requires CATIA V5 DMU Space Analysis product and related licenses to be installed at the same location as the clash server.

Product Highlights

  • Ability for designers and supervisors to submit clash analysis queries directly from ENOVIA VPLM
  • Ability for supervisors to dispatch Actions defining precise, clash-based product changes
  • Hundreds of manual hours saved using batch analysis tools that can be run every night or inserted in a business process (e.g. before engineering changes)
  • Ability to run clash analysis on a part across several impacted configurations at once
  • Interoperability with CATIA V5 makes interactive validation of the design work easy for the designers

Product Key Customer Benefits

  • Perform clash analysis directly from ENOVIA VPLM... it has never been easier for designers and supervisors to perform clash analysis on new part designs or part changes in ENOVIA VPLM. The clash analysis can be performed as an interactive request (query) or as a batch command that can be automated every night or included in a business process (e.g. before an engineering change release)

  • Save hundreds of manual hours in order to increase profitability, manufacturing companies aim to fit parts and assemblies across as many product variants as possible. Consequently, each time a part undergoes a change, it must be checked for clashes across as many products and product variants (configurations) with which the part is associated. The batch analysis tool automates this process and saves companies hundreds of manual hours

  • Shorter design cycle detection and resolution of clashes early in the design process practically eliminate design reworks late in the cycle where it is more costly. Based on the clash results, supervisors can define and dispatch corrective Actions defining precise, clash-based product changes. When clash results are launched back to CATIA V5, the assigned designer can focus immediately on the offending parts and resolve the clash