CATIA V5-6R으로 보다 우수한 설계 실현

이 릴리즈에서는 V5-6R과의 긴밀한 협업을 통해 3DEXPERIENCE 플랫폼 기능의 이점을 활용할 수 있습니다.


3DEXPERIENCE 플랫폼의 소셜 협업, 엔터프라이즈 관리 및 대시보드 기능은 V5-6R 도구 모음을 사용하는 프로세스를 지원하는 데 사용할 수 있습니다.

Domain Objective

ENOVIA V5 VPM offers a comprehensive, streamlined approach to managing the creation and maturation of the virtual product definition. With ENOVIA V5 VPM, engineers are able to extend the power of CATIA V5 knowledgeware and Relational Design to quickly optimize designs within the context of an assembly or an entire portfolio - improving performance and increasing reuse across product lines and variants. Built to incorporate industry-leading practices, globally dispersed design teams rely on ENOVIA V5 VPM to manage intense multi-discipline collaboration and decision making, producing more innovative products in less time that are optimized for both manufacturability and market acceptance.

ENOVIA V5 VPM captures and manages engineering design intent by exposing specifications, rules, operational parameters, simulation results, and manufacturing processes accelerating the understanding of how change affects associated product components and processes. This unique capability allows engineers to analyze and propagate change quickly, accurately, and completely until product performance and costs are optimized. To increase the likelihood of market success, ENOVIA V5 VPM effectively allows development organizations to front load the design and validation of all possible product configurations to deliver precisely the product the market expects - and the profit margins the company requires.

ENOVIA V5 VPM Domain Overview

ENOVIA V5 VPM is comprised of three distinct applications each targeted to a specific user community:
  • VPM Navigator is immersed within the CATIA V5 workbench providing designer access to ENOVIA V5 during the definition and maturation phases of product development.
  • VPM Product Editor is a java-based client installed on the desktop of engineering workstations to manipulate bill of material content and product configuration. Configuration experts use VPM Product Editor to create specifications, categories, and rules to control product variability.
  • VPM Lifecycle Products using a standard internet browser provide access to the ENOVIA V5 product content from anywhere the internet is available. Managers and those outside of Engineering use VPM Lifecycle Products to study the details of the product to drive product changes.

ENOVIA V5 VPM Product List

These products are available in several platform levels P1 P2 P3