CATIA V5-6R으로 보다 우수한 설계 실현

이 릴리즈에서는 V5-6R과의 긴밀한 협업을 통해 3DEXPERIENCE 플랫폼 기능의 이점을 활용할 수 있습니다.


3DEXPERIENCE 플랫폼의 소셜 협업, 엔터프라이즈 관리 및 대시보드 기능은 V5-6R 도구 모음을 사용하는 프로세스를 지원하는 데 사용할 수 있습니다.

DELMIA Plantype Editor (PTE)
DELMIA Plantype Editor allows user to define custom data model to suit various workflows and business logic. It also aids in definition of properties dialog and its layout, and allow choosing the right type of GUI controls to be displayed to avoid any user errors while entering data.
Product Overview
Product Highlights

Product Overview

DELMIA Plantype Editor can create and edit custom data models on top of the basic data model provided by Manufacturing Hub. These data models can then be used in one or more projects. To allow higher flexibility it is possible to define data models for each project independently. Further to creating new types derived from basic data types; it also enables user to define the hierarchy and define its relationships to other data types in the data model.

DELMIA Plantype Editor is a very useful tool to customize the attributes properties belonging to the types. By modifying the properties of the attribute the desired nature could be arrived at. For example, it could be customized whether a particular attribute is visible in browser or not, it could be also made printable or otherwise. Among other properties that could be customized, it could specify the GUI control type to be shown in the properties dialog. To a good extent it reduces the chances wrong entries and also provides the right control for a particular attribute type. Also, the style the attribute is displayed in the properties dialog, like the font, font style, back ground color etc can also be specified in the plan type editor.

DELMIA Plantype Editor provides a powerful way to define the layout of the properties dialog. It allows the user to define pages & groups. Pages and Groups provide a user friendly way to group the attributes for quick access. Advanced layout techniques like groups in groups provide user additional flexibility in defining layouts.

Product Highlights

DELMIA Plantype Editor offers wide variety of functions like

  • Creation and Editing plantypes
  • Creating plantype hierarchies and links
  • Creating attributes, groups and pages
  • Defining layout of properties dialog