CATIA V5-6R으로 보다 우수한 설계 실현

이 릴리즈에서는 V5-6R과의 긴밀한 협업을 통해 3DEXPERIENCE 플랫폼 기능의 이점을 활용할 수 있습니다.


3DEXPERIENCE 플랫폼의 소셜 협업, 엔터프라이즈 관리 및 대시보드 기능은 V5-6R 도구 모음을 사용하는 프로세스를 지원하는 데 사용할 수 있습니다.

Human Builder 2 (HBR)
Create and manipulate accurate standard digital manikins in digital mock-up environment for key human-product interaction analysis early in the product lifecycle.
Product Overview
Product Highlights
Product Key Customer Benefits

Product Overview

Human Builder 2 (HBR) creates and manipulates accurate standard digital humans in the DMU environment for early human-product interaction analysis. Tools provided within Human Builder 2 include manikin generation, gender and percentile specification, manikin manipulation techniques, animation generation, and advanced vision simulation. A user-friendly interface ensures that first level human factors studies can be undertaken by non-human factors specialists.

Human Builder 2 (HBR) addresses the needs of design engineers, managers, maintainability engineers and concept designers from the aerospace, automotive, plant design, heavy engineering, ship building and electrical goods industries.

Human Builder 2 (HBR) is effectively used in conjunction with Human Measurements Editor 2 (HME), Human Posture Analysis 2 (HPA), and Human Activity Analysis 2 (HAA) for advanced detailed digital human creation and analysis, improved human comfort, performance, and safety. These products are combined to create a fully integrated Human Engineering Design and Review solution.

Product Highlights

  • Intuitively creates standard manikins
  • Defines manikin postures and positions for manikin manipulation, with respect to existing parts of the environment ( reach capability )
  • Analyzes the manikin vision to enabling a better understanding of what an operator would see in a task environment
  • Simulates the motion of humans and their interaction with virtual products
  • Enables quick static and dynamic simulation as well as analysis of human-product interaction
  • Enables human-product interaction analysis when the product design data has been defined in multiple CAD formats

Product Key Customer Benefits

Intuitive standard manikin creation... Simple pull-down menu to create male and female standard manikins (Name, Gender, 5th, 50th, 95th percentile). Manikin structure consists of 99 independent links, segments and ellipses. Fully articulated hand, spine shoulder, and neck models to accurately reproduce natural human movement.

Manikin manipulation... Manikins can be interactively positioned using the DMU compass, or by selecting objects to be reached. Direct kinematics manipulators can be employed to accurately "fine tune" the manikin posture by manipulating individual segments in each degree of freedom. Seven default Inverse Kinematics handles manikin motion and accurately predict natural posture. 148 degrees of freedom also take into account limits of joint mobility and coupled range of motion.

Manikin vision assessment... Manikin vision assessment permits a designer to understand what an operator or maintainer would "see" in a task environment. A separate vision window displays the vision field from the manikin perspective. Lines of Sight, as well as vision cones in three separate formats, can also be displayed. Visual disability or limitation can be simulated. Visual characteristics are displayed as cones that permit the user to gain an insight into the manikin's view within the virtual environment.

Quick simulation and analysis of human-product interactions... Manikins can be linked to objects in the virtual scene to quickly construct functional digital 3D environments. No conversion is needed as Human Builder 2 is fully integrated into V5 product design and review solutions. Advanced analysis of interference, sectioning, measurements and 3D geometry comparisons can be performed between manikins and multiple objects in the scene when the product is used with DMU Space Analysis 2. Free Space around elements of the manikin, within the virtual environment can be easily computed when the product is used in conjunction with DMU Optimizer 2.

Multi-CAD management... Human Builder manikins can be used with supports CAD system-independent design data when used in conjunction with the adequate Multi-CAD products.

Productive design change management... Human Builder 2 shares associativity with CATIA V5 modeling products. Thus, design changes are managed efficiently and processes such as machining families of parts are possible.