更なるデザイン・エクセレンスをもたらすCATIA V5-6R

本リリースでは、 3Dエクスペリエンス・プラットフォーム機能のメリットを、V5-6Rとのシームレスな連携によって利用できるようになりました。


DELMIA- Standard Time Measurement SAM 2 (SSA)
DELMIA Standard Time Measurement SAM provides tools for Sequence based Activity and Method analysis of moving objects with hands.
Product Overview
Product Highlights
Product Key Customer Benefits

Product Overview

Time Measurement SAM, Sequence Based Activity and Method analysis system that measures movements of objects with hands. The movements follow a consistent pattern of activity sequence. There are basic, supplementary, and repetitive activities. Every activity measured supports parameters including distance, weight or precision.

Product Highlights

  • Quick and efficient create, edit, delete time analysis of type SAM
  • Data card for SAM

Product Key Customer Benefits

Provides SAM analysis of human activity.