更なるデザイン・エクセレンスをもたらすCATIA V5-6R

本リリースでは、 3Dエクスペリエンス・プラットフォーム機能のメリットを、V5-6Rとのシームレスな連携によって利用できるようになりました。


Domain Objective

Design, Validate and Document your Processes

Process planning Domain Overview

DELMIA Process Planning provides you with the ability to design, validate and document your processes.

Process Planning Capabilities:        

•    3D Product build up to visualize & validate assembly processes
•    Standard and custom time analysis methods
•    Work plan definition with workload balancing
•    PERT and Gantt chart views of the process
•    Assembly simulation with manufacturing resources

Process planning Product List

These products are available in several platform levels P1 P2 P3