CATIA V5-6R eleva il livello di eccellenza del design

Con questa release, i vantaggi offerti dalle funzionalità della piattaforma 3DEXPERIENCE diventano accessibili per una collaborazione ottimale con V5-6R.

La collaborazione sociale, la gestione aziendale e le funzionalità di dashboarding della piattaforma 3DEXPERIENCE possono essere utilizzate per supportare i processi che utilizzano gli strumenti disponibili in V5-6R.

Boost users productivity by providing users with a catalog of preferred angles to optimize manikin postures.
Product Overview
Product Highlights
Product Key Customer Benefits

Product Overview

Human Preferred Angles Catalog 2 (HAC) provides users with a set of preferred angles that are related to the comfort, safety and strength of different postures. It enables users to quickly optimize human manikin postures.

Product Highlights

  • Enhance analyses results precision by providing catalogs containing advanced comfort, safety and strength data
  • Optimize manikin posture based on scientific references for comfort, safety and strength
  • Promotes human ergonomics simulation to more users though an improved user experience

Product Key Customer Benefits

Enhance analyses results precision Based on specialized literature, Human Preferred Angles Catalog 2 (HAC) provides users with a set of preferred angles that are related to the comfort, safety and force of different postures while driving a car, piloting an airplane as well as for standing and working postures. It enables to quickly optimize postures in specific situations. Estimated gains due to the catalog usage can be as high as 70% for novice users, close to 50% for experts.

Better User Experience Catalogs greatly improve the usage of digital human manikins and enable also to promote human modeling to more users.